played this on the Nintendo DS and I'm intrigued that the DS version might've been one of the better iterations? For some reason my mum really loved this game and we helped each other out through some of the difficult puzzle sections. Fond memories



Unfortunately gets boring quite quickly due to not being that scary.

Replayability is less about having an interesting experience and more about optimising your runs. Personally I don't find that kind of gameplay very fun unless it's more action oriented.

Technically out of EA but still feels like it's lacking.

half star on principle. this game caters to annoying Twitterites who've burned out their brains with porn

intensely dislike the level structure, lack of hub area.

so mediocre it's astonishing this wasn't a weird dream I had. bizarre

Undeniably a great game but after 70 hours solo I am honestly really bored of it

Honestly kinda grew to hate this while achievement hunting through the base game and DLCs but nevertheless it's good. My overexposure is my own fault

Yeah it's basically overpriced DLC but I'm just happy it came to PC. Hoping 2 doesn't take as long as this did

Woefully unbalanced, anything that isn't a top tier attack with tracking or one of the 30 Kamehameha variants isn't worth using. Yawn

A game saved by an equally mid anime, fans glazing it like no tomorrow, and actual historical falsification.

If I see you say "CP2077 was always good!" I'm stuffing you into a locker where you belong, dork.


The game that ushered in my love for Dave Szymanski, the boom-shoot is strong with him.

Unsettling in a manner that defies description. Dave Szymanski is a mad genius