Unsettling in a manner that defies description. Dave Szymanski is a mad genius

Short (like a goblin) to the point (like the knives the goblins have) and all around great fun (goblins enjoy the concept also)

Varied levels, varied enemies, great soundtrack. It's been a while since a joke game has been this good

5* for GTA IV alone, Niko is one of the best protagonists in any game I've played.

Episodes from Liberty City are OK. TLAD is the inferior of the two, TBOGT is much more energetic and fun. I think it sets itself apart from the other 2 games on this basis. TLAD was more depressing narrative while also being worse written than the base GTA experience and TBAGT. This, along with the gameplay being a little worse, makes The Lost and Damned a dud. You fly a golden helicopter in the Ballad of Gay Tony, and drive around in an APC!

Go to place
Shoot people
Trevor say some Redditor shit
Go back home

Somehow the biggest game of all time.

Absolutely astonishing. IDK how I stomached this when I was younger (perhaps lack of income and better games) but this really wore thin quickly.

The only place a Nazi Furry can call people degenrate while other degenerates agree with him.

Incredible this hasn't been taken down for being an unsafe space for practically anyone who is sane

Fun, adorable, but I felt kinda aimless whilst playing. Hence I stopped. It's entirely possible I'm just not in the right frame of mind.

Could possibly be the best horror game ever tbh

Didn't really get much out of it that much but my girlfriend loves it.

the antithesis of everything good about game design, gaming, gaming communities.

dark fantasy is just low fantasy and sexual assault to some people

Something about the Bracca escape was so magical, it felt like playing a game on Christmas morning with how cinematic it was.

Really just a great and quintessential Star Wars side story.

Don't like the Spiders one bit though, lord.

Great story but ultimately a bit eh in terms of gameplay. Grew to be quite tired of being on Koboh constantly when the planet itself isn't that interesting. The customisation is far more open than Fallen Order but is also less interesting? So an odd tradeoff for me personally. Exploration is less interesting as a result because you're often just collecting paint sets rather than cool cosmetics

The arachnaphobia filter is nice but works on an enemy that wouldn't've bothered me anyway, whereas the Caterpillar type enemies that jump at you were unaffected by the filter, so not a great exprience there.

The new Stances are nice but I feel like it's poorly implemented, with mods giving you a radial menu to pick out styles rather than having to pick them at the Dark Souls Bonfires. As a result I barely used anything but the Single/Double Stances returning from FO.

Can't really talk about the Windows release of Survivor without addressing the horrible performance. I think Gollum might've run better at points, really disappointing as PC is my only real choice for gaming. I hope EA actually pull their finger out and fix it.

Please just play this, go in as blind as possible.

Better than Heavy Rain in a lot of ways but also somewhat lacking.

For me personally a lot of Kara's chapters are just a resounding miss and her story feels quite dated. It's as if they wrote this the same time as Heavy Rain and Beyond but waited for technology to catch up(?)

I miss some of the QTE prompts from HR which actually made some sequences of the game difficult, I feel like a lot of the ways you could legitimately fail are now too easy, and you can only fail if you're spectacularly bad at games or fail them to see what happens.

While the scope of the story is less immediately engaging a lot of the individual character work is quite spectacular. I think it's funny that I didn't engage with the fanbase at all until after my first playthrough and I still ended up loving all of the fan favourites.

Big plus is the QOL update with the flow chart and checkpoints. I like it.