2 reviews liked by DiegoV

This review was written before the game released

Definitely a good DLC with a good introduction. First zone was insanely hard, and navigating through the city to activate few keypoints to fight a boss was extremely well-thought.

The new characters and throwbacks were also really great, and the final boss being an old king was quite touching. Really loved the experience.

My only nitpick would be the co-op zone. What were they thinking putting those frozen reindeers in the middle of a snowstorm?!

por fin una secuela a super princess peach!!!

es un juego muy simpático, para jugar tranquilo sin que suponga ningún reto, aunque me ha sorprendido que tenga un postgame bastante curiosete!

se siente como si fuesen diez juegos en uno solo, y aunque algunas transformaciones flojean un poquito (sirena 💀), en general la mayoría están superbien