If Banjo-Kazooie had an Australian setting and was slightly jankier. Being an Aussie myself, this game is extra charming to me. All the levels in this game remind me of the amazing road trips and hikes in rural Australia I've had.

Great homage to Metal Slug, but not as charming.

Basically a wholesome feel good Death Stranding with tiny elements of collectathon. One of the most relaxing games I've ever played. Music is beautiful too. Great indie game to pick up on a sale.

A small experimental stealth indie game where you play as a roomba defending your home from robbers. Similar to home alone. It's kinda janky and very clunky however has lots of potential for its (now released) sequel to be something special. You can also 100% complete this game in about 30 minutes. I'd skip this one and just get the sequel.

If Super Monkey Ball, 3D Mario and Spiderman had a baby you'd get Crumble. Super fun platforming game with momentum based movement and swinging. Highly recommended for platforming purists. Simple as that.

Despite being a short DLC story of one of my favourite characters, the story doesn't really pick-up towards the end. The final boss+ending alone on this DLC story is a 10 however the gameplay basically being a worse version of Kiriyu from Yakuza and the flawed story pacing brings it down to an 8.

A really great sequel to Judgement, pretty much better in every single way. Loved this one. Probably my favourite game from the RGG (Yakuza) franchise overall. Best gameplay in the series, the writing was fantastic. A few annoyances in the design of some of the non combat gameplay such as stealth/climbing/tailing but there aren't an over-abundance of these. It fixes most of the issues I had with the first game. Hoping they follow with a third game as this would be an extremely solid trilogy. I need more stories with these characters.

Also final boss of this game is definitely in the top 10 final bosses I've ever played.

(also extremely badass title "Lost Judgement". Props to SEGA for not being generic and calling this Judgement 2.)

A worthy successor to the Yakuza franchise. The story was a wild ride and the cast of characters here were written better than the average Yakuza character. The story is kinda slow for the first half of the game but it does really pay off during the second half.

Combat is very fluid and fast paced compared to Yakuza's combat but it is also kind of janky. Could do with a bit more ironing out.

The side stories are always a fun break in these games, there are plenty to get yourself lost in.

Having played Yakuza 0-6 though, I already was burnt out on everything the Yakuza series has to offer, and this game doesn't have much new to offer in terms of gameplay. But as someone who is playing this for the first time, you'd definitely have a blast with the open hub Kamurocho.

If you're thinking of playing this without having played the Yakuza games, I absolutely say go for it. There is actually no overlap between this and the Yakuza games besides the shared universe. I'm looking forward to playing the sequel as the Judgement franchise has the potential to be even bigger than Yakuza.

If you loved the original shovel knight and craved for more, this is a perfect game for you as it is basically an "unlimited" shovel knight, taking the same original gameplay and making it a roguelite with beautiful upgraded 16 bit visuals.

While a very enjoyable gameplay loop, as of writing this review the game is still a bit barebones on content seeing how you can still beat it in a few hours, and Shovel Knight being the only playable character leaves a bit more to be desired.

I can easily see this go from an 8 to a 9 if it gets the same love and added content in future updates as the original shovel knight did.

The game is still in beta so this isn't my final review. A great alternative to smash bros however still a little janky. The first platform fighter to come close to smash bros in terms of character legacy and recognition.

Not a big fan of how the game is 2v2 focused as I am a 1v1 kind of guy, however 1v1 is still fun. Live service model ruins the potential of this being a good party game as well seeing as it's download only+pay to unlock features model adds a lot of restrictions.

I'll keep coming back to this every now and then with future updates. Hopefully when the game is complete, we get a full paid/content unlocked version of the game.

Feels too similar to Splatoon 2 to the point where it could have just been another expansion. It's still very fun but the campaign is like a slightly worse version of 2's octo expansion. It has the best online gameplay of the 3 however there are really bad connectivity issues which I never experienced in Splatoon 2. I've been spending more time looking for matches and getting connectivity errors than actually playing matches. Until they fix the online component I'm giving this a 7.

Not a fan of the current price tag of this thing. Only buy at full price if you've never played TLOU. It's still the same great game as ever with even better visuals and AI. The improved animation and gore makes combat much much more satisfying than it's ever been. Really that's it, would have been nice if they added gameplay improvements from TLOU2 such as dodge and prone. Would have truly made this a 10 for me.

This game is so fucking fun and the soundtrack makes you feel like a complete badass. An absolute experience.

A fun dungeon crawler with a shapeshifting gimmick. Core of the game is to mix and match forms to make builds that would best suit the dungeon you're tackling. Lots of potential to be one of the greats however it falls short by starting to feel repetitive around the halfway mark due to the fact that dungeons are combat focused only. Would have greatly benefited by adding puzzles or something to spruce up the dungeons from just being room after room of combat.

Review covers THPS1+2 on PS5 I never thought I'd be a fan of skating games till I played this recently. I played THP2 on PS1 as a kid and had a little fun with it but in the end I didn't understand what to really do besides jump off ramps and grind rails.

Coming back to this game made me realise how this THPS can be so fun (and why it is so critically acclaimed). It's so addictive to string as many combos together as you can to get a high score. Great fun game that I will always come back to every now and then.