40 Reviews liked by DogeBro

Kept having dreams I was lost in those dark corridors for hours on end, gave me insomnia and made me shit myself 10/10

I'm similar to Wall-E because I also live surrounded by garbage.
The difference between us is he has rizz and I don't

So fun and cozy. This game really managed to simmer down exploration into a tiny and perfect package.

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love the yuri stuff. one of my least favorite tropes is when a character seeking vengeance stops as soon as they're about to get it. and they didn't do that here! yuri genuinely pulled the trigger! and the cliffhanger at the end with her and spidey staring at each other, a rift forming in their friendship for the first time in the entire game, a rift built on vengeance and hatred, is so fucking cool. THIS is how u tell a vengeance story, you know??

anyway i still can't believe that of every character in the base game to have a recurring side plot, they really choose fuckingggg screwball lol. like was anyone genuinely happy to see her again 😭

I need Captain Watanabe physically

Solid. Enjoyed the interactions that Peter had with Black Cat and MJ. Felicia Hardy is the definition of "I can fix her" LOL

My best friend married my sister and his favorite food is croutons

Ok submarine simulation game that taught me morse code.

at what point is too far for technology