Such a great game and once in a lifetime experience. 100% recommend if you like walking sims.
Yeah it has its cringy moments but you need to realize that this is a game about a college girl in 2013. Of course she is gonna say things that we find cringe today.

I'm gonna be honest, i only played this game because this game is made by the same developer who created the Yakuza series (RGG studios).
Gameplay holds up surprisingly well.
Wordbuilding is very good and the story is just hollywood action movie level (i think this was very much intentional).
So, if you are not looking for the best story ever, its a great experience. Takes 8-10 hours to finish.
Edit: PC port is kind wonky, use controller if you have one. I played this with mouse and keyboard because i'm a psycho.

I know the word underrated has lost its meaning on the internet but this is underrated af.

Because they tried to tie 4 character stories into one, it gets confusing at times. Still recommend, don't skip any Yakuza game.

Japanese developers don't destroy a good game by making the game absurdly long challenge (impossible difficulty) (they can't help themselves).

Jokes aside I don't know if it's developers fault or the higher-ups but this game has absurd amount of filler.

The story is not that complicated so 20-25 hours should really be more than enough. But this game takes about 45-50 HOURS. I almost shelved this game because it was getting ridiculous.

Especially in the Last Days game keeps making itself longer for seemingly no reason both in terms of story and gameplay (damage sponge bosses that takes 5 min to beat).

Characters were cool although there were cringy dialogs at times but i don't mind the cringe if its done good (i am a Life is Strange fan so cringe is my surname) and this game has good cringe so no problem for me.

In terms of Music; holy shit, this game has one of the best musics i've seen in any videogame. Music was thing that pushed me to see the ending. JUST HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD.

Gameplay was fun until they introduce damage sponge bosses in the late game.

Yeah, overall i like the game but sometimes it made me question my life choices.

This is everything a Yakuza fan could ask for. I think RGG lied to us when they said they made this game "6 months". Because there is no way they made this in 6 months, this is not an asset flip, there is a lot unique bosses, animations, cutscene animations etc. There is a whole new fighting style and they refined the Dragon style. There is beefy substories, a giant Arena minigame which could be a game on its own.

They really nailed the characters as well, I don't think any other game could make you care about characters in a such short time.

While its true that its shorter than a normal Yakuza game, it's filled with content and I cannot recommend it enough.

Just be warned though, the game pretty much spoils the Yakuza 6 ending in the first scene (they showed the ending entire ending cutscene) and they also spoil Yakuza Like a Dragon (this is expected since this game was meant to be a DLC for LaD before it was turned to standalone DLC).

It would be a 9.5/10 game if Spider-Man shut the fuck up.
Holy shit he talks too much. I would pay the double amount just to play the version without the quips. I cannot even describe how much i hate this games cringe-ass dialog.

Very good prequel to a very good game. I loved it as much as the original game.

Peak Yakuza.
Kinda long but don't try to rush it.

As a diehard fan of Life is Strange series i found this game very boring and bland. Story was uninteresting. I tried my best to like this game but sadly it didn't click. 2 stars for the classic Life is Strange type graphics and art design.

This game has the best lore ever.