Still feels like the golden standard for 4x Space Games.

A game so good I can say that it might be the best game I have ever played.

A trend setter, a genre definer. Was my "best game ever" for a long time.

An absolutely amazing game. The core mechanics are so strong, the theming is great! I can't tell if I am not good enough at it, or it just doesn't throw enough bones the player's way for me to score it higher.
The switch port is underwhelming.

I do NOT like the monetization system, for multiple reasons, some of them gameplay-related... BUT this game is really fun if you are into these sorts of sims. Nothing else like it on the market.

Great way to try out games, or play games you could never get IRL. Works better with some games than others, not all mods are created equal either.

The game has an amazingly unique theme and gameplay. As an enthusiast of firearms history, and an enjoyer of simulation lite gunplay, this game was made for me.

My biggest problem with this game is, I don't have friends to play it with.

This game is out, but not finished yet. I have been playing it since it came out and it is improving at a good pace. It was always fun however and has a ton of potential. THe core of the game is well made with tons of love and care and attention the detail.

Was REALY good and unique when it came out, but did not age too well sadly.

I played this game only as a child for 3 years straight. The random skirmish mode just had so much gameplay in it.

It didn't do everything it could have, but it made a classic of gaming widely available.

What HD edition didn't fix, this edition did. At the core of it it is still the amazing AoE2 that people love to play to this day.