I’ve long had this dream game in my head of a free flowing parkour fps arena shooter that has so much style to it. Little did I know that someone had already just recently done it. To me, this is as close to a perfect parkour fps game as you can get. From the extremely open ended combat that allows for so much experimentation, constant weapon swapping to encourage aggression, varied and packed levels, and so much love poured into it; it’s amazing. My only gripe is that I wish the story was better told. While it has hints of something going on; I could barely follow what was happening. Still, with gameplay this good, it really doesn’t need to worry. Can’t recommend this game enough.

An amazing third person shooter combined with soulslike mechanics. While the story is pretty bland and forgettable, the game is carried amazingly by its shockingly great gameplay loop of exploring areas, finding better guns, and mowing down enemies in your path. With that great gameplay and a lot of room for replayability; I’m glad I was finally able to play this game.

A great finale to the Chex Quest trilogy. Overall, I can see why this trilogy has a cult following. It’s not groundbreaking, but for a tie in product; it really didn’t need to go as hard as it did.

Basically my same thoughts on Chex Quest 1 but applied to a city setting. Nothing much more too it, great lil shooter

A great lil shooter that takes everything good about Doom and combines it with a charming tie in product for Chex. Nothing mind blowing but worth a playthrough

Definitely the better half of Final Doom but still not my favorite. While I love how cutthroat and quick to the point it can be; it suffers from some annoying enemy placement that can get repetitive. The last few levels too are a slog. While I can see the appeal, it’s just ok in my book.

A great return to form after Chapter 4. While I think the grind was a bit too hard to get certain items; the loot pool, battlepass, and map were all fantastic. Alongside all of that, the additions of fortnite festival, lego fortnite, and rocket racing were new additions. An overall great season

Quite possibly the worst classic fps campaign I’ve ever had to play in my life. While I don’t consider myself an expert on how Doom levels should be laid out, it’s very clear from playing the master levels that it’s the exact way on how to not design Doom maps. Clunky, obtuse, annoying, and grating with nothing new to offer; the master levels is the worst fps game I’ve ever played. How this was allowed to release blows my mind.

Genuinely one of the worst things I’ve played in the DOOM franchise. Big empty levels filled with boring fights and empty space, aimless level design filled to the brim with backtracking, and an overall feeling that it never ends. Glad I never have to play it again.

A great reinterpretation of Half Life 1. I think the changes made to the world building, gunplay, and art design are fantastic. The only thing holding the product back for me is its level design and pacing in the end. The level design, for how much it pushes Source in terms of graphics, gets way too complicated to find the way forward; often leaving me to find a walkthrough just to figure out how to progress. As much as Xen was shown off as an improvement; the length of it and it being combined with annoying gimmicks and really poor level design really drags it down. Still though, despite its faults, Im glad to have finally played it.

The same thoughts about The Knife of Dunwall. While having some great moments, the story just feels flat. Still a great dlc in terms of replayability and gameplay.

A great expansion that offers more into the world of Dishonored 1 while giving you some new tools at your disposal. The only thing holding this back is a somewhat mediocre story. While I enjoy Daud a lot, the plot he gets himself involved in isn’t too gripping. Still, a great expansion that gives you more of what you wanted from Dishonored 1.

A really great narrative game that fumbles itself by a rushed ending. The game is an excellent choose you own adventure story with choices that feel like they have actual weight and consequences, warranting multiple runs to see the whole scope. Unfortunately, the ending seems to rush to its conclusion; tying up loose ends pretty forcefully. For what’s on offer though, I’d recommend at least one run.

A pretty good return to form. After the previous seasons seemed to complicate the formula a little bit too much, having a back to basics approach for this season was a breath of fresh air. I kinda wished the season added a lil bit more but for what we got, I’m satisfied.

An amazing weird and twist romp through a new sci-fi world Remedy cooked up. While I have some issues with the story; the moment to moment gameplay and getting that superhero power fantasy is so worth the playthrough. Glad this will be getting a sequel because I’m absolutely looking forward to seeing where this series can go.