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Doublezetagriff completed Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
(2024 replay)
This game man. Its got some performance issues. Occasionally getting a lil sluggish in high density areas. But it still feels so good all the time. Seamless platforming that feels so fluid and fun over twenty years after release. Super neat locales with unique missions throughout. Its not a long game. Plausible to 100% in under ten hours. But fun per minute is a glowing spot on this one. Fully worth the time and play.

2 days ago

Doublezetagriff completed Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
This is one of the best action JRPGs ever made and nobody will ever forget it. The story is retold in a deeply engaging way. Every character is treated with so much love and care and they're all much more fully realized than they were in the 1997 OG. The world is gorgeous and beautifully realized. The added content to literally every part of the game transcends padding or fluff. The voice acting, both Japanese and English, are phenomenally done. There is so much depth added to various story beats and I openly sobbed during one segment.
This game has flaws; far too many mini-games, some of which were infuriating. Some of the story beats were told slightly better in og, which I can't get into without spoiling. And some sidequests were just not engaging. However, everything else in this game is just so good, I can't subtract points for these negatives. This is my favorite game in probably twenty years and I'm never going to forget it.

2 days ago

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