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DragonToaster is now playing Cryptmaster

3 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
For some reason, this one didn't quite click with me like the first game. I still really enjoyed it though, and I do plan to come back and finish it some day.

3 days ago

3 days ago

DragonToaster completed Cyberpunk 2077: 2.0 Update
I'm really glad I waited so long to try this one. With the 2.0 update, the game is very fun and feels mostly polished. Still issues in some areas but overall, it feels like a nice blend of Bethesda-RPG and Rockstar-open-world. I will definitely be playing more in the future. I haven't rolled credits so maybe I'll continue with my character or start a new one.

3 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Persona 5 Royal
Years later and I can't bring myself to go back and finish the last dungeon. The game is really good in some places - but it is so damn repetitive and extremely long.

3 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Fallout: New Vegas
I finally played enough of New Vegas to say that I’ve ‘played it’. In the past, I’ve always given up a few hours in. It’s a slow start. And frankly, I still had a tough time getting into it. I can see the parts of this game that so many people love, but for me, there’s just too many rough, boring edges. All in all, it was okay. I might come back to it. Maybe.

3 days ago

3 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Isles of Sea and Sky
I loved this game. Crazy I would have never heard of it at all if not for a GMTK video. Really cool block-pushing+metroidvania game. There were a few puzzles I got stuck on, and it wasn't always clear whether I just needed to keep trying at something, or move on and come back later with a new ability or upgrade. Altogether very fun and satisfying to play through.

3 days ago

3 days ago

6 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Elden Ring
Started a second playthrough, but I don't plan on continuing with it. I love the game, but it's a huge game, and the exploration really doesn't hit on a second playthrough. I'm still looking forward to the DLC though.

6 days ago

DragonToaster reviewed Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
Only played the first few hours. Just not my jam. Basically a single player MMO. I'm sure the story and characters are interesting, but I'm not going to stick with it to find out.

6 days ago

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