78 Reviews liked by Dredge

It's Minecraft. I'm not sure if you can beat Minecraft.



Takes a real dip in the last third as you scrub through all the footage looking for key clips but in spite of this, Immortality is easily the best FMV game I've ever played and that is largely down to the absolutely phenomenal performances from the majority of the cast. FMV games are often charmingly goofy or campy, full of hammy performances and cheesy dialogue, but Immortality is cut from different cloth. Not only is the writing great but the performances effortlessly carry an experience that could easily have been a pretentious drag from start to finish. Manon Gage is going to be a star and Charlotta Mohlin gives one of the most unsettling performances I've seen in anything this year.

Don't be tempted to read spoiler-tagged reviews. If this seems like your kind of thing, do yourself a favour and go in knowing nothing.

...At least the tomb raiding was good.

I think I might have carpal tunnel now but I got into the top 1000 on level 6:9.

Certified Cowboy Classic ‪™‬ and probably one of the few serious reviews you’ll find on my account. In my eyes, this is what a masterpiece looks like. The general plot is not even that outstanding on paper, it’s nothing that we haven’t seen before in some way or form — but the characters truly sell it. And it’s not just Arthur, John and Dutch, it’s the whole gang and cast that make this game feel alive. There’s no heroes and villains, these characters feel like real people, people with dreams and flaws like you’d encounter on your trip to Aldi a few streets away (with one exception, one of ‘em can go and rot in the 9th circle of hell).

But it’s not just the characters that shine in this game, the world does as well. It’s not centered around you as a player, like it’s the case with many other story-driven titles. It feels entirely independent, and the details are insane. Most are so well-crafted that they’re not even noticeable right away, but once you realize, they’ll make you smile. One of the many examples that I could give is that they gave NPCs their own daily routines. You can follow a sheep farmer around at dawn as he goes to work, or see him stumbling out of the saloon late at night. The times even differ depending on the day of the week. Just like horse ball’s shrinking in the cold, it’s a trivial detail — but it shows just how much Rockstar cared about creating this virtual world ( … if only they cared as much about their online experiences, but that’s a different story).

The game is also packed full of action, but it offers a lot of quite moments, too. Moments I appreciated a lot and which helped me immerse myself even more in the story. The cinematic scenes were straight out of a movie, lightning and camera work could easily compete with some blockbuster flicks.

I could go on and on talking about this, but I’ll just end it here with the fact that Arthur has become one of my favorite protagonists of all time in any kind of media, and the game is currently my all time favorite as well. And I doubt that will change any time soon, if at all, because the bar is set sky-high with this one.

On a console filled with as many exhilarating highs, as sickening lows, this godforsaken game surely marks a low point, not only in gaming, but in humanity also...and I actually owned it shudder

i remember pooping everywhere lmfao



There are stealth sections in a Hulk game and it's a tie-in, what else do you need to say.

I can still hear the creaking doors in this if I close my eyes. This game scared me more than it had any right to, and I played it relentlessly. Monster Maker was my favorite dungeon room.

If "The Monster Mash" Was A Video Game
As a kid who who loved reading Goosebumps books and other spooky fare, I found this point-and-click-adventure/proto-horror game absolutely enchanting. It's hard to recall if I ever technically finished it but I'm sure I got AN ending of some kind. I just remember it being so scary that a monster could teleport into the same room as you and you would have to appease it or try to run away, lest you become cursed, which was terrifying to the point of needing to turn the game off immediately. I wonder if I would enjoy horror games as much as I do today without this little gem.

Should have known what I was getting into when I played a game with cute animals in it.

I couldn't tell you anything about Ghana but I know that the Google car has tape on one of its roof rack bars.

The amount of slurs I've seen while playing this game...