4 reviews liked by Dretika

Didn’t really click with me but enjoyed. When it’s good it’s GOOD, but the lows are very low.

Positives first: idk if this is controversial but this is FromSoftware’s best music imo. Specifically Contact With You and Steel Haze, they have changed who I am as man.

At first I thought customisation was overwhelming but I quickly realised it’s one of the best “progression” systems in modern gaming. Every weapon and every unit serves a purpose, and can be used at any stage. Not like other games where you gain loot, and then 5 minutes later find another piece of loot that gives 0.25% increase to your girth. Everything here is meaningful, also appreciate the level of attention given to every design and the fact you have to commit to a look - and creating different builds is fun as FUCK

I will never forget you Balteus, Rusty, IBIS Cel and Ayre.

That being said… I think ibis cel and Ayre fall under a similar category as Malenia for me. 10/10 visuals, aesthetic, stage, music, moveset, design but the fight itself just isn’t enjoyable. Ayre became enjoyable once I switched to a different build and play style but still, ibis cel really suffers from this. G1 Michigan fight is particularly terrible garbage booty cheeks. Don’t think there’s ever been a good boss fight where the gimmick is a bunch of ads around the boss lol

In between these big fights and set pieces the game is a real slog and not very enjoyable to get through. Arena is fun but I wish there was more to it.

Not much to say story wise, wish exposition wasn’t delivered through boring walkie talkie messages before and after every mission. Makes it very difficult to attach emotionally or invest in anything. Anytime I found myself getting worked up to play was because I’d listen to Contact With You, but then I’d actually play and realise it’s not actually FUN

Could all just be a me thing tho since Idrc for mechs. Part of me wants to do the next playthroughs just to properly see it through but part of me does NOT wanna play anymore.

Rusty and the music saved this from being a 2/5