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January 11, 2023

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High on Life
Developed & Published by: Squanch Games

High on Life is great! A comedic fps created by Justin Roiland, who many will know as the co-creator of Rick and Morty.

High on Life has engaging combat and an engaging traversal system that becomes much more fluid through new abilities and mechanics that are introduced throughout the game. The player is able to slide, dash, jump, and use a jet pack to hover and fly across canyons and large distances. The player will “unlock” new weapons as they progress through the story that will allow them to fight enemies and various ways, keeping the combat feeling fresh and exciting.

Visually High on Life is gorgeous. The art design is incredibly well done. Each world the player will explore as they progress through the story is well detailed, unique and a breath of fresh air.

The story isn’t complex and can feel repetitive at times but it’s good enough. The game shines through its dialogue. It is absolutely hysterical. Personally I burst out laughing multiple times.

While most of this review has been positive it’s time for the negative. This game has buggy achievements that for completionist will be an issue. This game definitely required more play testing. If you search message boards and reddit you’ll find multiple posts describing various bugs and glitches.

This game is a must play for fans of Rick and Morty. While it’s its own thing the humour and world created by Justin Roiland is definitely Rick and Morty-esque. If you have Xbox Game Pass play it!

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 4/5