doesnt feel like your playing feels like your just watching the game play it self

has a lot of replay abilitie mainly because it want to do everything in 1 play though you'll want to create a save to go back or play it bout 3-4 times

ubisoft showing how to rip off your own game

still the best exploration listening to your crew singing fishing legendary ships fuck that one that rams you worst part is outside the game in the office if they remove the office crap id give it 5 star

its done im done no more im so fucking tired of op champs op items bot lane inting mid lane inting going 16 loses in a row and there fuck all you can do bout it no fucking more riot dont know what there doing i got no problem with the tank meta at least youi can fight back against them fuck this adc mage meta i uninstall i quit im out oh god i need a drink like i can go 24/3 sooo many games but i will lose due to 1 mistake

if your interesting in yugioh magic the gathering Pokemon id recommend giving this a go this the only riot game i can play and have fun in

some people say this game is free to play no its free to download but if you actually want to play pvp get your wallet ready

only played terran campaign but its really fun really easy as long as ur not on max difficulty units repeating them self's over and over again does get annoying though

hmm what to say that hasn't been said by the millions... of fans and former fans of blizzard so this game is overwatch 1 but in stead of 6v6 its 5v5 OK they added 2 new champs not sure why they couldn't do that in the first but OK they updated the sounds of the weapons and updated the grapics and look of some champs ill admit it does look pretty good but heres why everyone's pissed though we all waited so many years for this stayed with blizzard though thick and thin mostly thick but they just keep letting the fans down broken promises and things i wont go in to i hope that Microsoft will bring the old blizzard back better and brighter than ever

biased rating 5/5 this is my child hood game it helped me get though dark times. critic rating 4/5 its voice acting can be really bad at times weapons and armor for me at least weren't many 4 different weapons for each character and 2 armor for each of them but this game is iconic for many different reasons think the best is this wasnt just a game it was the end of an era in gaming people hope for the day this game will get a remake well 1 can dream

really good dungeon crawler and city builder kind of game highly recommend to anyone and everyone. downsides towards late game starts to drag a bit and you in order to get the good weapons rewards for me at least you got to look up a guide

watched/listened to playthoughs, walkthoughs, lore guides and audio books if i was still playing games this be the first one i pick up

when this first came out the online was truly shit but now its pretty good also the story this has the best story in all gta games like Trevor alone is enough to want to play this game its been 10 years and gta 6 still aint out but theirs rumors

think dynasty warriors on drugs also you might wanna turn volume down the voice acting is so bad trust me. but this game is pretty fun ive even grinded this game to unlock all abilities on every character it took a long long time

if you've played chess and can think 3 moves ahead you'll be fine in this if you've played yugioh.... yeah best to have played chess. like dont get me wrong if you learn this game unlock alot of the good monsters then you'll like this game but if you dont you wont i didnt know what i was doign and it felt like i was getting bullied by the ai