ok ending is so fucking weird, combat it takes a min to learn how to do your combos but saying that, that happens in all dmc games expect 2 and going for 100 percent will take alot of patience believe me i will give it this though it is a true dmc experience and would recommend

best of the series water lvls suck not because there bad there just really slow, motorbike lvls are.. at times unfair, plane lvls typical old school flying shooting games now it might sound like this game is bad but its still best in series alot of fun alot of good memories

so many playthough i did for this game there are 4 campaigns shu, Wu, Wei and lubu but there are bout 4-5 routes you can take for multiply endings id actually highly recommend this for anyone thats into total war/ fire emblem games or people thats into the lore you can recruit almost ever charter in it on a few of the routes

i would give this a higher rating but theirs 2 big downsides to this game 1 the final boss of all the house of the dead games are just bullshit there designed to kill you not to give you a chance just to kill you its annoying 2nd it repeats bosses its lazy hate that in games

controls are stiff, combat is stiff, story is.. ok actually ive seen alot worse, graphics seen worse, worlds good not your usual not all of them but they are kinda empty. wouldn't recommend but at the same time its not bad not sure how to explain it i played it cause i played it start to end and i dont regret it

this was very half ass'ed in my opinion 2 is alot better with story and better controls

wish they made this more main line like mario kart or crash racing this is basically those games but with guns i dont see the problem

story worst out of all the dmc games. combat what combat you hold down the shoot button. Dante's look is just edgy just looks wrong. new character forget her name shes forgettable. is there anything else to say just dont play this

if you play this play it with friends playing it alone gets old real fast

id say this and Simpsons hitnrun are the best Simpsons game this with superpowers and references hitnrun.. gta but more kid friendly

main story good side story is all over the place especially simons. weapons good. charecters good didnt like playing simon. enemy's easy. use desert wind or any other aoe abilities bosses alot of bosses in this can 2 shot you and some can do it as fast as you can blink so yeah thats fun but yes i would highly recommend this 1 other note if you plan on 100% it will take days due to 1 quest were you got to kill a certain number of each enemy in the game and there random fastest i 100% this was 84 hours

ubisoft showing how to rip off your own game

i dont really play boxing games but this one was really fun

watched/listened to playthoughs, walkthoughs, lore guides and audio books if i was still playing games this be the first one i pick up