Amazing game I loved the World and the storyline. The first part was kinda slow and its not for everybody but its my personal Favorite Game of all time

Pretty good its just minecraft. A lot of nostalgia But the game overall is good

Really great, Liked almost everything about this game and the twists I never saw coming

really Great puzzles made my head spin and story was superb. Multiplayer is also really good. overall amazing game and I miss old valve.

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game was pretty good until the part where you play as the mexican general and your teammates die immediately and you canoot catch a break. story was fine but basic gameplay was pretty good but dated but that part with the general made it show its age. I might pick it up again one day but that day is nowhere soon man

its just fifa i wasn't expecting a lot but its the same stuff different disk

Amazing game, back in 2017 the hype was unreal and it lived up to it and more. It had creative levels, great movement, amazing music, I don't have anything bad to say about it if you haven't played do yourself a favor and do so

Mr.Driller ain't going to blow your socks away but it is good for what it is just a simple puzzle game. soundtrack has some bops, the gameplay was pretty addicting when your on a streak dodging death, and the ps5's rewind feature is amazing for this type of game but the lack of variety kinda hurts it Just drill endlessly. Overall a very enjoyable game but not one you keep going back too after you beat the arcade mode.

This is Indiana jones the game. The story isn't that great, sometimes it felt like too many shooting sections, the jetski is obviously horrible, and the puzzles just aren't puzzles. but i wouldn't go too far to ask why this got a sequel, the shooting is decent , the climbing was interesting enough but what really sold this game was the character interactions. good game obviously shouldn't skip because your playing the Nathan drake collection, it's right there. and also the sequels better but that's a give in.

Uncharted 2 was better than the first one in every single way. The shooting feels a hell of a lot better, the story while still not being the best in all of gaming was still pretty good, Chloe was a welcome addition, The character writing was still on point. and the setpieces were amazing. there were some annoying parts and the stealth is severely underbaked. when I first played it I treated the stealth like I was playing mgs you know wanting to complete sections only in stealth, only to learn much later that was not possible. But overall great game, huge step up over the original in every single way.

Uncharted 3 surprisingly is the one were this franchise clicked for me. In uncharted 2 I think I just expected too much from the barebones stealth and since the first one I knew this was playable Indiana jones but this game made me rethink uncharted 2. This game is just improved 3 with less expectations. The shootings a bit better with the grenade system, the climbing's a bit better because everything you can climb has a slight twinge of yellow. I like the first half's character dialogue a lot especially with cutter and the crazy setpieces in the later half. The puzzles are a huge improvement since one and two with you sometimes having to use your head and not rely completely on the book. I just really liked this one probably becuase it felt more cinematic to me even though looking back 2 was probably better. also the story when looking into it at all is stupid but a little sadly I kinda wrote off the stories instead seeing it as more of getting these characters together and backdrop for the setpieces and treasure.

This game's very great not much more I can say about it since I reviewed each one individually but after playing this I can see why Nathan drake was one of Playstation's mascots


Doom is a very good Game that surprisingly holds up due to the level design and the audio. The level design was very good and its hard to explain. I liked that no matter how much you were taking the game seriously it catered to both options. if you just want to hang out and play doom the level design lets you just run around shooting demons ands getting keycards. if you want to go deeper you absoulelty can and the game rewards you for it with early gun unlocks and a chainsaw that just shreds demons. the core gameplay while basic is still fun. The audio just compliments everything from the music playing in the background to the sounds of the guns to even alerting you when your about to walk into a room chock full of demons its cherry on top of the cake.

Battlefield 1 is battlefield perfected. It has a very powerful campaign seeing all aspects of WW1 especially the airplane one which makes you think how dubious people can tweak thier stories around. The multiplayer is great too with operations being very fun.

MGS 2 is one of the best stealth games I've ever played and got me hooked on all the mgs's. The story is amazing if a little confusing to people who haven't played one but the twist and the meta stuff at the end was top notch and becomes more real every passing day. To add onto the story part the side character arcs were very interesting and this game fleshes out almost every character. the gameplay is immaculate if dated, sometimes I had to look up how to do stuff because the game mostly just throws you in and says "go." The Soundtrack is also amazing so many bops to set the mood but also to put on while doing other stuff. Overall MGS2 is Amazing and if you haven't checked it out you NEED to but sometimes it shows your age and is not very forgiving to new people.