Absolutely revolutionary game. This game isn't quite as good story wise compared to portal 2 and the puzzles aren't as creative as it's sequel but there is no doubt in my mind this game is still amazing even on my 5th replay.

This game was a big part of my childhood so I'm pleased to say I beat it with the slenderina Easter egg. This game is really good for a mobile game and I was surprised by the amount of new content added since I played last

I'd never played granny 2 until now and I must say it is a worthy sequel. More ways to escape, more evil grandparents, more scary animals. This game is better than the original apart from 2 aspects. This game felt super east and simple compared to the first game as well as the map feeling smaller and less worked on then the last game. Granny Chapter 2 is a worthy successor to a staple of my childhood and overall a fun experience if you want something to play on mobile

I didn't even know there was a granny 3 before I decided to download and play them all. I will say I think this one is my favourite, it had an interesting new house that was 10x better than the house in chapter 2. I also liked the improvement in the quality of the game, the graphics looked nicer and there is even an opening cutscene. Also I think this game is the hardest in the franchise purely because of grandpa having a shotgun. It makes it scarier because he can hit you from anywhere. Overall this was a way better game than two and I'm excited for the possibility of a 4th game

I you don't like this game I don't like you

Its fucking jeopardy, I don't know what else to say

I don't know why but i had this game on some xbox live arcade collection when I was a kid and played the absolute shit out of it. I saw it the other day and decided to relive my childhood. This game is amazing

This season was the first great one in a VERY long while. The last two chapters have been not the greatest due to their medicore seasons and short lengths as chapters. This season was truly great, the train was a cool new format of transportation and when mixed with the fun map made for a great traversal system. The guns in this season were also great as well as the bosses, there was also not a bad skin in the battle pass which was good and to top it all off snake and raiden are now in the game.

Fallout shelter lacks all the charm of the mainline games and simply acts as a conveyer belt of money going straight to Todd Howard's big pockets. It's very clear right from the start that this game is full of microtransactions which weigh the game down a lot for me. This game is fine for a cheap mobile game that in no way represents its former entries. Honestly if you go into this game with very low expectations you may have a fun time, but like just play fo3.

The first thing I got made to do when I logged in was open a loot box, so not a good start. After that though I beat the earth stage and I enjoyed it for a doom mobile game. I still don't know why Bethesda insists on making these mobile games for each of their big franchises. Overall I liked it for what it is, a medicore mobile interpretation of doom

Sea of thieves is the greatest pirate game of all time, and it's great to see it succeed were so many other live service games have failed. A great example is the late game content which is in the form of pirate legend, it takes many 10s of hours to become a pirate legend and once you become one you are given a wide variety of new quests to do, items to buy, and adventures to be had. One thing that may be a turn off for some people are battle passes and seasons in full priced games, and I'm no exception, except in the case of sea of theives. Each plunder pass is full of well designed cosmetics as well as enough ancient coins to buy the next plunder pass, and on top of that each season they introduce TONS of new content that will keep you busy for hours upon hours. Overall I'm very glad that I went back to play this game before the PS5 launch. I'm looking forward to playing it again on my ps5 next month.

The first pac-man game is super iconic and one of the most revolutionary games ever, but nowadays it's just pac-man. With so many other better games to play Pac-Man is not going to be something you sink 100s of hours into.

Pac-Mania is... kind of good? I mean it's no skyrim but for pac-man i like it. I'm not sure how popular of an opinion this is but i really like the art style of this game. Also the 3d stage design just makes the game feel more fun to play

Honestly this is one of the most interesting ideas for a pac-man game. I feel like the battle royale style of game works really well with pac-man. I will say though this game does get weighed down by the singleplayer. The ai is super bland and easy to beat, but with friends it makes for a fun enough experience.

Eh, i think that is the best way to describe this game. The controls are very janky, the level design while not bad is certainly far from great, and just ends up being a generic platformer. You can maybe find some fun in this but I wouldn't recommend trying