How do you stuff up pvz? I'll tell you how, you rehash it into a knock off gardenscapes with absolutely zero effort. This game lost all the charm of the first 2 and it wouldn't suprise me if this was the end of pvz

While it is fun at the start, the magic starts to wear off after only a few ours of playing. The game is very basic and is just full of repetitive tasks

Biggest suprise out of all of the new fortnite modes. I don't think anyone expected it to be THIS good.

Biggest let down of the three new modes. This was the one I was personally most excited for which made it even more painful when it was riddled with bugs and glitches

Not as good as the first season, but the characters were still good. The main thing that weighs this down is its story, in my opinion it isn't quite as good. I also cried again when Kenny died (yes I know I'm a little bitch), it was so sad to see him realise in his final moments how wrong he had been and what he had become. Anyway, so this series is now 2 for 2 on the made me cry board. Can it get a perfect 5/5? Only time will tell

As a newcomer to the metal gear franchise, I really enjoyed the characters and story in this game. Another thing i thoroughly enjoyed was the boss fights in this game, they were all really good. The weakest in my opinion being the two sniperwolf fights. My only problem with this game is that it is severely outdated, the gameplay can be clunky at times and the game doesn't look the best. I understand mgs3 is the fan favourite but I think this game needed a remake over snake eater.

While this game is still amazing, I am not a big fan of the level design. It just dosent feel like the crash 1 design that I love. The story was a bit better than crash 1. I will say that this game was very difficult (for me at least) specifically the last 5 levels and the N. Gin boss fight.

This game is easily the worst of the quadrilogy, now that dosent mean this game is necessarily bad, as I personally believe all of the crash games are good. It is just the weakest of an amazing quadrilogy, I think a main contributor to this games mediocrity is the gimmick levels (the races, planes, boats) every time I had to do one of these I was annoyed as they take away from the otherwise good platforming levels. I will say I really enjoyed the level design and themes in this game, I also liked the story and felt it improved upon the story of 2. In conclusion, this game gets weighed down by its lesser parts making it the worst of the quadrilogy but still a fun experience.

This game is amazing. It gets rid of the gimmick levels from three and goes back to pure platform mania. The story in this game is GREATLY superior over the first 3 games. I really liked the introduction of the different masks as they mixed up the gameplay, i will say i really struggled on the final segment of cortex castle which uses all the masks but i probably just suck. I really liked this game overall and would be down for a crash 5

A staple in the classic mobile game genre. This game is nearly perfect, the music, the gameplay, Crazy Dave are all so amazing. I often go back and replay every couple of months because it is just has so much replayablity.

This game is just as fun as the first game but my god there are so many microtransactions. It almost makes the game unplayable, curse you EA! The game loses a star just for the microtransactions.

This game gets too much hate. Its nowhere near as good as the first 2 garden warfare games but its not a bad game. The story missions are fun and multiplayer is still decent

Re1 is foundation for what is later built upon in its many sequels and to me that's all it is, a foundation. This game can get quite boring at times and it is a very slow game throughout, on top of this the lack of autosaves makes me appreciate them even more.

There must of been about 4 or 5 times were I had to replay the past 40 minutes because I died and hadn't saved. One of the things I do like however is the atmosphere of re1 it feels absolutely perfect. Whilst this game didn't scare me really I will say I was nervous at times due to the fixed camera angles and noises.

Another thing I really did like was this games story and characters, the plot was intriguing throughout and the likeable characters helped to back it up. I will say i think capcom should heavily prioritise remaking this game before they do 5 as i feel this game is more outdated and while not looking bad it could use a redfresh to help bring new people in to the series.

So unfortunately until this happens I don't see myself going back and replaying this game. Re1 is an alright game that is greatly built upon and improved in its better sequels.

Oh boy, I feel weird rating this higher than the re1 remake. Re3 remake is great game but a poor remake, it lacks a LOT of content from the original game which makes the game short as hell, I took my time with this and I still finished it in just under 4 hours.

This game definitely feels rushed and was simply made to cash in on the hype from the re2 remake. I think if they took their time with this like the re4 remake it could have been something special. Overall good gameplay, good story, and characters. Bad remake

This game has a really cool concept, it's a shame that it's dead and full of microtransactions. It's not a very good sign when the first thing the game gets you to do after the tutorial is open a lootbox. This game is a good idea that was poorly executed