I'm one of those people who never got the appeal of fromsoft games. I tried Dark souls and bloodbourne but they never clicked. Elden ring is the first soulsbourne game I've finished and I'm very proud of that accomplishment. It took me a long time to do so though, I first started the game in 2022 and got up to the red wolf of radagon where I got stuck and then gave up. It was at the start of this year that I decided to give the game a go again and that's when I really liked it, I breezed through the first few bosses and then had some fun challenges on some mid game bosses. It's when we get to the fire giant that I have an issue, this boss is easily the worst designed boss fight in any video game ever. He has way too much health and can one shot you if your not careful not to mention that he rolls away every 5 seconds. This boss single handedly got me to take a break from the game for 5 months. Until the other day when I thought "why not? Let's give elden ring another go" and after about 10 or 15 tries... I did it, I finally beat the fire giant. Following this the game was a breeze, I beat the godskin duo, I beat malikeith, I beat godfrey and then I got to radagon. I was at the end of a fromsoft game, I'd done it. I struggled on radagon for a while but eventually cleared him, he might be my favourite boss in the whole game if you don't account for the next part of the fight. The Elden Beast. This fight is so bullshit, after radagon you have like no heals left and then the elden beast can kill you in a second if you get unlucky with his moves, not to mention he is also tanky as hell and rolls around a lot like the fire giant. I didn't hate him completely though, I think he has a great design and is a really cool concept that was just executed poorly. This should go without saying but the visuals and music in this game are just so beautiful and it's clear a lot of thought was put into them. It's also crazy how many side bosses there are in elden ring, it's like every second turn there's a new one waiting to be slain. Overall, I had a super fun time with elden ring and I can't wait for the dlc now. I might even go and try some of the other fromsoft games to see if my opinion has changed on them.
(Side note: I haven't beat malenia yet, I'll get to that at some point. She is ridiculously hard, holy crap)
(Edit: I beat malenia after changing builds on my second try 💪)

Sonic the fighters is a game that is just so fun and stupid that it kind of works. The gameplay still holds up and can be quite tricky on some of the stages. The game is also SUPER short so I don't really have much more to say. One last thing though, I think they should make a new sonic fighting game because I had fun with this and I'm just imaging a game with an arcade mode and a 5 hour campaign and online. I think a new sonic fighting game would have a lot of potential and I hope SEGA decides to actually do anything besides yakuza.

It's so crazy to me how this was the first 3d gta game and Rockstar nailed it so perfectly. Liberty city is just as fun to traverse as it as in gta 4 and when mixed with memorable characters this game makes for a great time. I don't have an strong opinions on the story in gta 3, I think for their first try it's pretty good. My main criticism is that Claude doesn't talk, which for me at least makes me feel less involved in the story similar to gta online. I also feel like the story just kind of ends rather abruptly, like one minute your doing missions normally and then all of a sudden the credits are rolling. On the topic of missions, some of them in this game as just SOOOOO hard for no reason at all, I'm looking at you "grand theft auto" and "grand theft aero". The gameplay in gta 3 is also not the best, gunplay can be tricky at times and it feels like you die after 3 shots which makes the game extra hard during missions with big shootouts. Overall, gta 3 has a lot of good and a lot of bad which when put together make for a fairly solid start to the 3d gta games.

Puyo Puyo tetris is the greatest collab ever. Something so random that it's perfect in every sense of the word. The game has tons of fun arcade game modes that will provide you with 10s of hours of entertainment, not to mention the whole ass campaign with a fine enough story for a puyo puyo tetris game. On top of this the game also feature online multiplayer that is super fun to play. This game is unironically in my top 25 games of all time now and considering I bough this for 5 bucks I'd say this is an absolute win. I'll definitely have to check out the long awaited sequel puyo puyo tetris 2 sometime in the future.

Tomodachi life is one of those games that often gets overlooked and neglected by Nintendo which is a shame because the game is pretty fun for a while, but that's all it really is... fun for a little while. Tomadachi life has little to no replay value once you've played it for a couple hours, the game is very shallow when you take a good look at it. The start of the game is fun when your making your friends, family, and favourite celebrities but it's once you get into the actual meat of tomodachi life that you start to realise there's not an awful lot to do. I will say I was surprised just how well the text to speech holds up, like it still says most words fairly well. Overall, Tomodachi life is just silly, wacky fun if your looking for something to play but just don't be expecting to be playing for too long.

Before starting colours I heard a LOT of mixed responses to the game, I was hearing a lot of really great praise and then I was hearing people saying it is the worst thing ever. After playing through it I feel as though I lean more towards the latter, sonic colours just feels like the most soulless generic sonic game. It has a bland story with only 5 characters 2 of which are those annoying ass robots that are the bane of my existence, this isn't aided by the low quality cutscenes due to this originally being a wii game. The level design in this game isn't super bad but it's not anything memorable or noteworthy. The game really gets saved by the last 2 worlds, as the others are pretty bare bones. The boss fights in this game are also nothing spectacular but they can still be fun at times. Sonic colours is definitely not a game that everyone will like but it has some qualities that make it worth a play if you are EXTREMELY desperate for a sonic game

Super mario odyssey is such a perfect mario game. All the kingdoms are really fun and unique each with their own puzzles to solve. For a mario game, odyssey has a pretty great story, the idea of bowser marrying peach and them getting different wedding items from each kingdom is amazing. Not to mention how many new and funny opportunities cappy brings to the table which might make this my favourite mario game gameplay wise. I can't believe it's been 7 years since I played this game last and I'll definitely have to replay it in the future, I can not wait for the next mainline 3d mario game which will probably come out on the switch 2. Easily one of the best switch games, if you haven't played it already, what are you doing?

No mans sky is one of the few examples of a game that had a bad launch and actually made a recovery. Over the 8 years since the games initial release, no mans sky has received numerous free content updates containing a variety of new things to do which makes the game feel full of life. The story of NMS is nothing to write home about, it's a pretty generic scifi plot but that can easily be ignored due to how fun the gameplay is. All in all, no mans sky is definitely worth a play in 2024 thanks to its many free updates since launch which make for the definitive space exploration game.

Honestly I hear a lot of people trash the shit out of overwatch 2 but I really enjoyed what I played. Now this is coming from someone who never played the original overwatch and I can definitely see where the haters of overwatch 2 are coming from. Blizzard promised a lot of stuff including a campaign mode that they just gave up on which led to the games not so favourable reputation. It does now seem though that Blizzard is trying to turn the game around now with the most recent updates though. Putting all that aside, overwatch 2 still finds a way to be an incredibly fun and engaging team based shooter.

Sonic adventure 2 is everything a sequel should aspire to be. The levels, bosses, writing, characters, and story are all greatly improved upon in this game. For a start, the levels in this game are all really great. Each one has its own charm to it and city escape is probably one of the best opening levels of all time. My one complaint is the grind railing in the last level, it's often clunky and very difficult to platform on. I liked that Sega cut down the stories from 7 to 2, I think it makes for a nicer game to play and not feeling like it's starting to drag. Another thing that makes the game a bit nicer is the lack of the hub world, in sa1 it was fun at the start but by the time you played the 7 stories it was just a burden to get through. I liked the knuckles/rouge stages more in this game than sa1, not sure why though. One thing I will say is there are TOO many fucking eggman/tails levels, like am I playing a sonic game or am I playing armoured core. I really think they could have cut down on these and put more sonic/shadow levels in. There's only 4 shadow levels in this game which sucks because Shadow's my favourite character (if you couldn't tell already from my previous reviews). This game is also a great introduction to shadow, it shows the kind of character he is, and his backstory and motives with maria which makes for a touching story. Whilst being stupidly easy like the first game the bosses in sa2 are still all really good, it's clear that a lot of thought was put into each and every one of the fights. The music is absolutely superb which is no suprise for a sonic game, each track is extremely iconic and memorable. One complaint I have is that sometimes it was like I was watching a fucking christopher Nolan movie with how atrocious the audio mixing is, half the time the only reason I know what they are saying is because I'm reading the subtitles. Overall, despite some minor flaws sonic adventure 2 is still one of the greatest games ever made and extremely worthy of 5 stars.

At a first glance this season seems great, it has new bosses, mythics, and POIs. It's when you take a second look that you realise the numerous issues with this season, it removes medallions, fun bosses, good weapons, and makes the mod benches less relevant than they already were. One thing I do like is the new Greek locations, but other than that there is nothing else that I deem worth your time in this season. Whilst this season is not very good there is still some fun to be had.

The Wolf Among Us is no doubt one of telltales best games. It tells a great story that is interesting and fun throughout with lots of twists and turns.

In my opinion, Bigby is also one of the greatest characters of all time. He has a great personality and in every dialogue option there is no right or wrong answer which shows the player the exact kind of character he is.

On top of this, the world in this game is fantastic it has loads of great world building amd interesting characters. Like I said before, the story is a lot of fun to play through and the crooked man is a great villian, episode 3 is a bit boring (which tends to be the case with a lot of telltale games) but other than that every episode is really solid.

My biggest issue with this game is no doubt the ending, it's a great thought provoking ending but it feel like it ends rather abruptly and without warning. My opinion on this could definitely change when the second season releases (I swear to God if it gets cancelled).

To sum it all up, The wolf among us is a terrific game and 100% one of the best games in telltale's library, if you haven't played this game already I HIGHLY recommend it.

Sonic & sega All-stars racing is as good as it gets for a sonic racing game. It has a great selection of characters and tracks from different sega games. It's also nice to see banjo and kazzoie included in this version. This game is very fun and I would highly recommend it to someone who wants to play a fun racing game

Sonic cd is not a very good game. For one the game is extremely short, each stage is only 3 or 4 minutes long at most and overall I was NOT A fan of the exploration type levels in this game. They just made the game feel empty and pointless.

I liked the time travel mechanic and thought it made for an interesting difference between this and sonic 1-3. The music was super good like always, they played the same music every boss though which I wasn't a big fan of.

I also wish that metal sonic appeared more in this game, he shows up occasionally throughout the game and then you race him and he fucking explodes. It's just really underwhelming, especially with a character who had so much potential. All in all, Sonic cd is not great but has some redeeming qualities if you look hard enough.

Sonic 3 and knuckles is a pretty great sonic game and a fantastic conclusion to the original trilogy of games, but that's not to say this game doesn't have its shortcomings, one of which is the levels in this game.

The first couple are great, it's just when we hit mushroom Hill zone that I have issues. This level and every level after it up until Sky sanctuary are just SO BORING, the levels are stupid long and have nothing memorable or special about them. So thank God for Sky sanctuary, and the two levels after it.

One thing I absolutely LOVED about this game is knuckles himself, at the start of the game he knocks sonic OUT of his super state which instantly tells the player just how strong knuckles is, and then throughout the remainder of the game you see knuckles be nothing bully who gets in sonics way.

This is until the end of the game when you find out that he was just trying to protect the master emerald, and through eggmans lies he thought that stopping sonic would save the emerald. It's when eggman betrays knuckles and steals the master emerald, you truly see how much he cares about it.

Immediately he springs up and goes after eggman with the help of sonic. It's crazy to me how they told such a great story in a game that has no dialogue. As usual, the music in sonic 3 and knuckles is spot on, it's great throughout even in the bad levels.

Another thing that is fantastic in this game is the boss battles, I kid you not every single one of them is amazing, and whilst the giant eggman robo is nowhere near as good as the death egg robot from sonic 2, it still makes for a great boss fight.

Overall sonic 3 and knuckles is an amazing sonic game that sadly isn't quite as good as sonic 2 due to it being weighed down by some of its weaker areas.