We Have Tetris at Home

Grandma bought you Tetris. You smile, you thank her. She's doing her best.

What's not missing:
As a general rule, Tetris games where you can still play normal Tetris. Yes, I know Tetris Plus is in there. Twice, even. If this list included every game with unique variants it would be just a list of most Tetris games. Fan games are largely avoided because there are a million of them and most of them are one-trick ponies. No, Tetris Attack doesn't count, that's just Panel de Pon. Some games that might belong on this list, like Amagami Tetris, are missing because they're just generally unavailable. The endless parade of mobile Tetris variants are omitted. Classic modes that use point clear systems are included for now, unless I end up finding out there are a ton of them.

Tetris Dekaris (Giant Tetris)


it isn't out until the 30th but i think 'Papertris' might qualify when it officially is released

great list

1 year ago

Papertris is in a difficult spot. The sort of vague rule I'm following is games that "-tris" games need to have either a strong mechanical connection or a strong branding connection, while also being either a commercial release or a release of significant note outside of the community. So BEATris makes the cut because it's clearly gimmick Tetris that you can buy, and Hatris does because it's Pajitnov. Tetrible is free, but it got its 15 minutes of fame so I count it, while Quadra doesn't because it's free and mostly known by the community.

This is all to keep the list from ballooning to an enormous and useless size that's just a catalog of anything vaguely associated with Tetris. Papertris is commercially available, but mechanically it's not very like Tetris, so for now it doesn't quite make the cut despite me personally wanting it on there. But: thanks for pointing it out to me!
No prob, makes sense!

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