4 reviews liked by E_Dog420

This game was special. An action rhythm game that is incredibly fun to play. A straightforward story with lovable characters filled with plenty of comedy. Robbie Daymond is just one of the best VAs out there. The boss fights and OST were amazing. I feel like with how short this is, I'll find myself coming back with all that post game content.


This is my 2023 Game of The Year. I loved everything about this game except for some of the corny dialogue that was spoken from the main characters. I have always had a thing for games with DMC combat style, and rhythm games are my absolute favorite. The combination of the both make the game such a blast to play and the soundtrack is amazing, which includes Nine Inch Nails!

Huge step up from 11. Loving the fresh cast of lesser used c tier throwback characters. Story was fun and the gameplay feels significantly better than its predecessor.

[finished main story]
Ok i get it now. sorry for doubting u mkheads
its pretty fun, not anything crazy or too special but its decent and the characters are cool and likeable enough to someone with absolutely no knowledge of previous mk stories but vague recognition of the characters
its like watching a decent fun schlocky movie

helps that my friend that DID know things was playing and could answer for me.
i like johnny cage a lot, his previous designs were better in my eyes but his personality is really great in this game. and hes still hot so