Yo Vanquish was a dope ass game that is super underrated. Vanquish is a high action third person shooter with some cool mechanics that you don't really see in new games. The sliding mechanic is probably the best part of the game due to how fun it is to just slide around the levels shooting bots. The story was also pretty entertaining and even though the game was short i still enjoyed it. Overall i give this game a 9/10

I went back and replayed Yakuza 0 and man this game is great, Yakuza 0 is my favorite game out of all the Yakuza games due to the combat system letting you switch between 3 unique fighting styles. The game also have two playable protagonists and each of them are well written and have interesting stories throughout the main campaign. Overall this game is a 10/10

The Untitled Goose Game was a fun little puzzle game that had a lot of charm in it. The puzzle were fun to solve and the game was pretty easy to beat due to how short it was with it only really taking 3 hours to beat. Overall i give this game about a 7/10

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was a awesome Metroidvania with a great story and satisfying gameplay. I personally think that this is one of the best 2D game i've played in a while so if your a gamer who likes Metroidvanias then i would definitely give this game a shot. I give this game a 10/10

Hi-Fi Rush is one of the best action games I've played recently. The rhythm combat system was very unique and was always satisfying to land a combo on beat. The story and the characters were all fun and charming. Also this game soundtrack is awesome! For me this game get's a 10/10 hopefully this game gets a sequel.

Spider-man 2 is a another great superhero game that did well on giving Spider-man fans satisfying webslinging gameplay and fun combat. The story is good but there are some flaws that i personally didn't like but it wasn't enough to ruin the story for me. Both peter and miles were really fun to play and both spider men had there own abilities and gameplay style to make them feel different to play. also venom was pretty dope, so with that being said i would give this game a 8/10

RoboCop: Rogue City was a great license game that had great first person shooting and a pretty solid story. Overall i give this game a 8/10

Little Nightmares 2 was a great puzzle horror game with a great narrative. Even though the game is short the game offered a great gameplay experience with each levels having unique puzzles to solve to progress though the story.

Also the bosses were great because they all had there own unique designs that all looked creepy and disturbing and fighting them was always suspenseful. Overall i thought the was a solid 4 stars and if your looking for a good Halloween game to play then i recommend this.

So I beat Mortal Kombat 1 and here are my thoughts. so the gameplay is great and I'm really having a fun time playing with friends or random people on the online. Matchmaking is pretty fast in this game and finding players to fight is really easy.

Also the game does a great job at teaching you how to get better in the game through there very helpful tutorials which can help for beginners to fighting games.

But the story... It's ok. The Mk1 story started off interesting and overall was a fun time but the writing just wasn't that great and the ending was a little lame. I'm not saying it's bad I just thought it could had been a little better though.

So overall I like this game I would give it 4 stars. Now do I like this more than Mk11? Personally no I like this new Mortal Kombat but I just think Mk11 had the better characters and gear system.

Out of all the 3d Mario platform games I've played Mario Odyssey is easily the best one out of them all. The platforming was great and had some nice challenge to it.
Also exploring the levels always felt rewarding because of the many moons there are hidden in the game. I'm giving this game 5 stars

Spider-Man Miles Morales was a great spin off to Spider man (2018) it gave us more of the great spider man gameplay that the last one had. The only con I can think about the game is that it's a little short but I don't really mind seeing that it's a spin off. If your a spider man fan then definitely get this game

This game is a masterpiece and hands down this is the best spider man game that was ever made. The story perfect, the combat amazing, and the web slinging was really fun. If your a ps5 or ps4 owner then this game is a must have.

High on life was a pretty fun first person shooter game with great comedy. If I had to give the game a description I would say that it's basically a Rick and Morty doom game with a mix of a collectathon