Pretty basic PvZ inspired game with some added mechanics to try and stand out. Game really drags on in the later half of it and gets a bit grindy to keep up but stayed challenging for the most part

If 2 other Silent Hill games werent slated to be released, i'd confidently say this would've be the nail in the coffin for this franchise, cause this is offensively bad purely from a writing perspective. SH2 remake i have no hope for but I desperately want SHf to be the comeback

TikTok told me this was "the greatest indie horror game I've never played"

Solid 4th wall breaking horror game that has a lot of visual flare and tricks to make up for a notably bland overall experience

this must be how women feel after I start sprinting at them full speed at 2am

Pretty fun Survivor type game that lets its brand recognition do the heavy lifting. Aside from the usual "Dwarf does mining, Rock and Stone" it stands out with really good progression system using the ore you collect to get incremental starting stats, though that does get a bit tedious the further along you get. Unlocking gear and hazard levels are fine, usually getting you to go out of the way to get side objectives done that can usually be done on a first try. And with it being early access you can expect core changes and content drops before 1.0 comes out

Its a super massive upgrade over Helldivers 1, and at the same time one of the best PvE co-op game out right now. Gameplay, while brutal to start, is super responsive and fluid giving you some of the best high octane moments as you have obv seen from popular clips. The movement pulls inspiration from MGS5's movement which means its goated and fits the game perfectly, and comes with its own learning curve. The play to obtain premium Battle Pass is a breath of fresh air and even though everyone is praising it, Helldivers 2 will most likely be the only game to do smth like that for a long while. Only downside I can really say, and it went for DRG as well, the attempts i've made to join/host public lobbies to make a party is nigh impossible. I've joined lobbies to be kicked and have been left alone cause people died once to finish the mission i was in, its depressing so partying up with 3 friends is pretty crucial to blast through the missions. Overall im shocked at the quality of the game and that the game has blown up as hard as it did.

Went in with low expectations and left pleasantly surprised. Kind of felt like a breath of fresh air from some of the more boring and pretentious "Analog Horror ARG" things out there, as this game took the right inspiration from the big boys of the genre and spun it in a way that had me hooked in its world. Also gave me a few spooks and a great double take that had my jaw dropped i was so blindsided. The ARG's story is ok at best, feels like the weakest part of the game but I can see how people would find it engaging. The gameplay itself is fairly boring and it has one section that almost ruined the experience for me, but overall this was a good way to spend an evening with the lights off.

Some short and fun nostalgic flash games bundled into one package, not as tough as I remember it being but some nights require some risk/reward plays that determine if you have to restart that night or not. A glaring issue I noticed was the game isnt optimized that well, from low to high resolution there is a bit of delay and when alt tabbing the game could lock up entirely.

This is the best FNAF game hands down for the sole reason it is nothing like the other FNAF games

uhhh how did we go from Snoot Game to this?? Like Snoot Game had that potential to be serviceable if not for the 4chan ties and cringe "LGBT more like LGTV" style humour to put it lightly. It's story writing and character interactions were fine and the art was good for the most part. But this... this is the cleanest 180 away from that game and its barrelling down the road on its chromed out wheelchair.

Wani Hug That Gator is in my runner up for best sleeper hit so far, its being praised by the fair few who picked it up and for very good reasons. Its a basic, at times generic, high school romance story about a social outcast falling in love with another social outcast, except she is a paraplegic gator and that makes her extra special. Talking about her Olivia is such a good character, I loved almost any interaction she had because her sarcastic, cynical personality was done so well whenever she's in a good mood its a blast and anytime she's in a bad mood you just have to find a way to cheer her up. This game does a really good job making sure you care about her, and sure she's the love interest it would suck if the game failed at that, but keeping in mind these guys made Snoot Game, thats a real accomplishment. Aside from Olivia the other characters vary in quality and impact, but each add their own spice that highlights either their own flaw, or one of Olivia's. and shoutout to Liz for being second pick for best character i will never get tired of seeing her head plop from the top of the screen into frame when she shows up.

With regards to the writing I thought it was amazing. Each characters dialogue felt consistent, never felt bored reading it thats for sure it was like every conversation had something engaging going on and even the more chilled or romance filled scenes I was hooked with just killer writing. Now there were a few times maybe 4 times out of my 14 hour playthrough were i rolled my eyes and sighed out loud with some of that 4chan humour seeping through. Worst line involved the "Japanese Animation APpreciation Society" in which the main character comments on the poor use of an acronym.

I loved the art there are some fantastic CGs and the character designs are well made. Even the few fully animated moments throughout the game surprised me with how lively they were. Music was a mixed bag from some obviously royalty free sounds to some great original music done for the more important scenes (Edit: The soundtrack released on Steam and Spotify and its clear to me now the vast majority of the songs aren't royalty free and in fact are really well made, been listening to it passively while playing games or working and it may be a new go to background listening album.) And also the story’s pacing stayed engaging, with only a few parts that dragged on a smidgen too long.

Sure feels like this game should never have been this good, but with the odds against it, Cavemanon managed to turn around and make a well made, emotional VN with some lovable characters and a story that doesnt falter, and either leaves you satisfied with the good ending or makes you wish you got the good ending.

Also please for the love of Raptor Jesus, having a main character be a blank bald slate for self insert reasons and naming them INCO G NITO is a crime against humanity never was that ok, Snoot Game's mc being called Anon wasnt as bad as this

This was one of the few games I got to play on the family Mac and i remember being creeped out by it to where I stopped playing it all together. Now 15 years later after randomly remembering it, I decided to give the game another look and it had to be age cause this "game" is really underwhelming, especially something with the King of Horror's name attached to it. Its basically a demo disc with a few minigames, screensavers and the entirety of Stephen King's Everythings Eventual, it even comes with a "spooky" soundboard of stock sound effects. Whats really bizarre about this is that its made by Presto Studios, known for the acclaimed Journeyman series, during the tailend of their run before being shut down in 2002. I also expected there to be a lot more to the game but it really is just a 30 min venture if you leave out the novella, and with the quality and lack of real connection to Stephen King, this game is really dissapointing

As an act of rebellion to avoid playing another game, i decided to spent 3 full days getting all the achievements in BL2 for the first time, as redemption to my younger self who put almost every game aside to play nothing but multiplayer shooters for 4-5 years. I do remember this one being the most fun to play, aside from BL1 which is my fav all around being introduced to it in 2011. Gunplay and build crafting is simple and enjoyable i played Axton for the first time so i went with a turret/kill skill build that made my normal playthrough trivial. Now, not having played this game in quite a few years i had forgotten the majority of the dialogue or jokes written and it has to be just the over-saturation of the style of writing, but after the halfway point and for all the DLCs i was tuning that out. I dont know if BL2 is seen as the perfect middle ground of snappy and good writing compared to the other ones (especially BL3) but i was generally bored when it came to having to pay attention to the story, and almost any wit gave me an excuse to eye roll especially with the dated humour, but those got a pity laugh for them even adding it in the first place (they had a Do it for the Vine Badass Challenge name and its there forever). And of course the massive positive i can give the game is the grind it gives you for gear, i didn't do too much of that during my playthrough but if i get bored and return i know for sure i can go hours killing the same boss for a specific thing. All in all BL2 still holds up as an amazing looter shooter with those fundamentals honed in, while i feel like i moved away from its style of writing, i know some people that will quote this and other BL games for hours and die laughing in the process.

looked the game up on youtube to see what it was before hitting play and immediately wish i didnt. Indie horror may have declined harder than the 2007 financial crisis, but it doesnt deserve what those youtubers are doing to it.

Games a teaser takes like 10 mins to beat, hope the new games are better than the other 3 imo

I was made aware of this after doing some late night listening of older Emma Essex/Lapfox music and im surprised i didnt know about this sooner. I was guessing this would've lost media but thankfully the Lapfox fandom are so keen an preserving almost everything related to the artist, the game is still playable after the hosted website went offline. The game is a simple shmup with nothing outstanding gameplay wise, it has a focus mode and 6 levels each with a boss at the end. Im not an avid shmup gamer so idk if this game is considered good or not, but my bias scale is tipping way in my favour solely from the fact it stars Mayhem and Mischief and those sharks can do no wrong. Another highlight is the original soundtrack made for the game, done by Emma Essex and it slaps pretty hard, done in Mayhem's MegaDrive musical style. Pretty happy I got around to finding out about this little piece of history of Emma's massive catalog of work and makes me wonder what other neat things im missing out on from her