garbage nothing abandonware meant for steam profile stuff and achievements, no real effort put into the game or the skeleton of one to be fair

So to my knowledge this is just a devs second game using an open source FPS game engine, building off of a previous game he'd made, and for what it its fine. Graphics look like something out of a PS1 game but plays like a more modern FPS. Game plays pretty awkward and janky at times, enemies are really stupid and arent a challenge aside from a couple enemies that have WAY too much health, and with a shocking low ammo count overall they become a nuisance. Aside from those pain points, I think the game has a solid aesthetic surrounding it, like the graphics are solid, lighting and environment makes you wonder what is around every corner and the soundtrack/sound design fit the game well. I can see the devs next 2 games have gotten better reviews so i can assume they've improved overall. Also if i see one more steam review saying "you are DOOMED for playing this game" i'm freaking out

This is one of the many ways in life to experience an acid overdose without taking the drug

This is the better game set in the year 2077, also the Mayor is a cutie!

Can totally see why this appeals to a small niche of masochist gamers, but at least gameplay wise this was torture. The atmosphere and environment was top notch, loves the various areas you got to explore in this game, issue comes with some of the inhabitants of those areas and how they really badly want to make your time a living hell as they realize what kind of game they're in. Which from I experienced is a hardcore "permadeath" survival horror with no direction full of cryptic story and puzzles and scary enemies and put together to the level this game takes it is almost too much. I really had to lock in to one tap my first and second playthrough as I realized the game wont save your data when quitting, and will take you back to a checkpoint almost nowhere near where you quit from. And I mean REALLY lock in cause man this games exploration will cause you harm with how it tells you almost nothing. Now just like there are people willing to sink hundreds of hours into Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress, there will be and are people willing to do that to this game and major props to them, they arent human anymore and I applaud their rapture from our mortal plane. Overall this is a great game to gawk at the areas you get put in, if you can put up with the massive wall that gets thrown at you every so often

Keep hearing these strange sounds come up in the kitchen. Holy shit! Its the Slenderman? And he's cooking hot dogs on he stove? Hey, you hungry home invader! Stop raiding our refrigerator! Yikes! He just whacked me with warm wiener, Twice! Wait, you aint got no lips How can you eat potato chips? God, knock it off you skinny son of bitch! Quit stealing our food and go buy a freaking sandwich! (You phony bastard) Look at this place It's a disaster!

It's sad that when you're recommended this game, you are required to download mods to make the game not only more enjoyable, but fundamentally playable. But, i can see why cause this base game is horrendous, with point A to point B fetch quests, poor performance and while the lore is a plus to keep you hooked its not that fleshed out overall. Gameplay is also jank beyond belief and is on par on the snooze scale as base Terraria is, requiring an alarm set every 30 mins or so to keep you from passing out. Now im sure if I got 25-40 mods installed and rearranged Starbound so it became a totally different game, ya it be more fun but that really speaks volumes for the state of this game currently

This game was brought to my attention from the Steam Next Fest, though I didnt play the demo I wishlisted the game to play blind when it released. Now having played it, what this game offers is serviceable at the very least. The game as a whole is typical and doesnt try to make leaps and bounds to stand out.

You return to your mothers hometown after your grandmother is hospitalized and you discover a secret that lurk within the town. That secret being a Rake looking monster who really doesnt like you, so its up to you and the sprint key to avoid them before they catch you. Now that monster (on hard difficulty) makes your playthrough a living hell. The AI of it has to have wallhacks the way it knows where you are, and once it does know it will leap and sprint at supersonic speeds to have you meet the last checkpoint. Encountering the monster was never fun or tense or scary, it was annoying and almost unfair at times. Luckily you either have a mounted talisman (with 1 use on hard mode) or hiding spots to deter her, the latter leading to one of the funniest death scenes i've seen, having you be thrown into yesteryear and have your face caved in with a Jo-Jo level flurry of blows.

The gameplay is generic, nothing really to note. It's another walk around, find key items to combine with the environment to get more key items until you progress. You will also find pills that count as health and stamina recovery items and depending on your difficulty you will find less and will have to conserve stamina. You also get 2 tapped on hard mode so in the end, the health pickups are next to useless especially with the monster doubling as a heat seeking missile while chasing you.

For a $20cad game, its fine, like im not upset or feel ripped off just disappointed overall. The game does have multiple endings, with collectibles and extra activities to do so with multiple playthroughs i guess the price is worth it. I also found a chicken egg that went in my inventory so I assume I can hatch this chicken to acquire a partner that im sure will help me against the monster.

It's nice seeing this game release after like 7 years, i've known of this fan project for maybe 3 years and while I wasnt that interested in it, decided to kill some time and give it a try. Without harping on it too much or getting overly negative, i'll cut to the chase and say this is definitely something Undertale fans should play, even for one playthrough. It's got same type of dialogue, quirky events and designs with remixes of Undertale's music. Some notable things i feel like I should mention on my end is that the spritework and animations impressed me, the bounciness in and out of battle gave the majority of the characters more life and personality. The battles themselves I found easier than I expected but some boss attack patterns were unnecessarily tricky to get through without taking damage, or just wiping from that single attack. The game itself ended just as it was picking up for me, but on the other hand I dont think they could have gone crazy with it without over shining Undertales main story. I'm sure more involved and dedicated fans will praise this game to high hell and personally im all for it. And a massive props to the devs for finally releasing this!

This game is like I died and went to hell, but hell is just my grade 10 math class and im forced to do math with no rubric or instructions on how to solve the problems genuinely awful experience :c

This game series is peak nostalgia for me. Decided to play this game on the highest difficulty to see how to ramps up and I was hardstuck on a couple levels with how difficult the layouts were

First impression are amazing, love this games presentation and its take on dungeon crawlers. The game uses a lot of percentages and numbers in its tight knit equipment and stat system that feels smartly put together rather than having more numbers to seem intriguing. Coolest part is the combat, having it done in real time with a pause button to strategize what to do next. Combat also uses this 3x3 grid for building a formation around your part, so you can add actions to the grid and some actions synergize with other to boost its power, which is a very rewarding system. The one issue the game has right now is that since its a Japanese developer, the english is being translated through machine translation and some of the text either makes no sense or is worded incorrectly. Its not a deal breaker at all, even more since at release the game will have full translated english text, but for now it makes the complex mechanics more confusing out of the gate. With that being my only issue so far this is a fantastic game with plenty of depth to it

Sunk-Cost Fallacy
The phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial.
"the sunk-cost fallacy creeps into a lot of major financial decisions"

Alright companion to Celeste in a "What if 3d Celeste" scenario. Enjoyed some of the B-Side puzzles but overall this game controls horribly, especially with fighting the dodgy camera. Cant be too critical with this, since its more of a celebration of Celeste's 6th anniversary and not a legit release, and also with it being made in a little over a week. Wish this was more refined and responsive as 3d Celeste sounds like it could bring more to the table but its more so for the fans so its cool

Super stylized game with a lot to say about what works and what doesn't in modern gaming, within only around 30 mins. I really love this sub genre of "interactive essay" type games that holds your attention by just being really passionate about what it wants to say, and this game actually giving playable examples of what it means is a great touch. Also cool to see that its being seen positively, albeit with a few "holier than thou" individuals striking the game down for reasons not related to the overall subject, but what can you do?