Very fun game with lots of puzzles, haven't played it in a while though and I'm worried my friends are too stupid to help me solve it and I'll explode.

I personally like Starbound a lot more than other games like Terraria. The ability to jump to near infinite planets makes the finite resources a thing of the past, and also the Glitch, Florans, and Novakids are some of my favorite science fiction races of all time.

I like visual novels and I LOVE picross, so this game hits both of those marks. It's a very fun game with a lot of character, and I love both a strong woman AND a robot. Never ended up finishing it... maybe I'll pick it back up again soon.
This game is what Phoenix Wright characters play instead of normal Picross.

Birth by Sleep was OVERRATED imo. Chain of Memories is underrated and this game was just... eh. Like, I love the Wayfinder trio but in terms of the game itself it was just solidly Okay. The worlds were fine, the gameplay was okay, and the story was... eh.

It's fine. Pretty fun, automation was cool, liked the art style.

Easily one of the most fun games in Jackbox's arsenal. Witty and conversational with so much potential for inside jokes and very malleable for any friend group.

INCREDIBLY fun roguelike with mechanics similar to Cult of the Lamb, but with selling! I've always loved games where you run a little shop and Moonlighter is up there as one of my absolute favorites.
Art style is delightful and the game is a bit shallow in terms of story but it makes up for it in charm, music, and a VERY very fun gameplay loop.

Very fun. Love the gameplay loop (very literally). Never ended up beating it, as it was a bit long, but I really enjoyed the time I did spend in it.