I liked playing as the big strong racist guy. Shame the game was total disappointment.

An enjoyable looter shooter within a surprisingly immersive and detailed post-breakdown NYC. The writing and story are painfully cliche with your stereotypical gruff police captain and autistic hates the outside world tech guy. The enemies are somewhat intelligent, but most combat encounters come down to wearing down bullet sponges. The Division really shows its strength when playing with a group that moment when everything clicks with your team and you working like an actual elite response unit is a very gratifying experience. Overall, it's a solid game that I enjoyed quite a bit back in 2016-2018.

I have spent a disgusting amount of time in this game and I still do. I don't know how awful the experience would be for someone starting out this game in 2024 but I couldn't imagine it being much fun.

A series bogged down by the weight of Peter Molyneux's lies Fable 2 stands out as the most complete version of the vision we were sold back in the early 2000s. Restrictive and frequent loading screens take away a lot of the ambiance and sense of exploration that the landscape provides, the story is decent if not standard revenge plot with some interesting side characters. The gameplay is enjoyable but as you progress in the story you will find little challenge as will is completely overpowered reducing most fights to simply holding the B button to charge up your tier 5 will ability. Personally Fable 2 will always be one of my most beloved games and a great little RPG adventure. However the passage of time has not been kind for this game and playing it today you will 100% feel like playing a game from 2008 the frequent loading screens and corridor like open world outside of major towns are hard to ignore.

This game is so good it's a crime what EA did to kneecap it. Hands down one of the best Star Wars games of all time and absolutely the best Battlefront game ever made don't listen to nostalgia merchants talking about the original Pandemic titles. This is the absolute king of Star Wars multiplayer

Weapon degradation is a stupid system and Deadrising 3 didn't have the charm or atmosphere to at least be interesting. Dude lots of zombies gets boring real quick.

The peak of WWE 2K's wrestling simulator approach to the franchise. One of the best wrestling video games of all time, better than all future 2K entries and sits comfortably up there with No Mercy and HCTP.