4 reviews liked by Ejsponge61

a serviceable soulslike with fun, fast-paced combat, a handful of interesting ideas, and a cool aesthetic. with that said, it tries to do a bit too much, overcomplicating and padding out what could have been a short and sweet experience, and it falls short in key areas, like level design. it also has some jankiness in regards to hitboxes and the consistency of certain moves, which can make losing infuriating at times.

have to uninstall it so I can get stuff done

gods gift to podcast gaming, played on steam deck while listening to hollywood handbook and had the greatest time. gorgeous collectathon with some nice room for creativity on your car design and how you carve through the world. my gold standard for an hour in bed a night, only dragged down by some boring objectives and the combat getting dry once you’re max level (hahahahahaha). want to find more like it for my ‘deck.

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As a I approached the climax of this story I said to myself "wow I could really use an MJ 3rd person shooter sequence with knee high cover everywhere." Thank you insomniac for not disappointing me