26 Reviews liked by ElectricBarrier

Xenosaga Episode I is still one of my favorite games. There are so many things I love about it, and it surely has many problems, but I think the strengths of it easily outweigh the weaknesses of the game.
Probably one of the main problems of the game is that there isn't any music in most of the areas, and while I think in some cases, like the Dock Colony, it fits the atmosphere of outer space and the game very well, in others it's a bit distracting, and I don't really understand why in places like the Kukai Foundation there isn't any music. But I don't think it's that bad in the end, and all these other aspects of the game, which I absolutely love, I can definitely live with that. And I think it's better than in Episode II, where you have music in all the areas, but it's totally distracting because it doesn't really fit for Xenosaga imo, and that music is the complete opposite of the Kajiura tracks from the cutscenes and also doesn't really fit with those.
The characters are still my favorite fictional characters, and I absolutely love the story. While we haven't gotten a full and complete story with this game alone, I think what we've gotten with this game is still fantastic on its own.
Especially seeing all the foreshadowing and little details if you have already completely experienced the whole story of Xenosaga, it just becomes even better.
One thing that I also totally love in this game are the character interactions. Seeing all these characters, which I love, interact in all those cutscenes is always wonderful. So yeah, I absolutely love Xenosaga Episode I. This game still really means a lot to me, and I hope that someday it'll be released on modern platforms.

One of my favorite games and the series that introduced my favorite game character KOS-MOS. This is the best game in the trilogy no contest.

The story although very vague but maintains your interest. I gives you more questions than answers. But it's also the first game in a trilogy. The character are all great except Momo. A child character that is just annoying at every moment she exists.

The combat is simple yet satisfying. Learning weaknesses and planning the right moment to defeat an enemy to earn extra exp.

However the game is not perfect. There are too many types of points to spend and menus can be overwhelming. If you don't plan out how to spend your points you miss out on some good late game stuff.

One other issue is that it loves to waste your time. A lot of back and forth. Too long of cutscenes that do nothing to move the story at all. Long periods without combat.

The other major issue is it's lack of music. The game relies a lot on ambient sounds. When there is music, it slaps doe. Esp the final boss music.

It also has stupid difficulty curves and some annoying gimmick bosses.

But all in all, a fantastic JRPG with a great art style, story, world and characters. I fully recommend people to play it. The only problem is that the other 2 games in the trilolgy I cannot really recommend. So you won't get a conclusion unless you are will to suffer greatly.


probable cause for this being a contender for the worst game of all time

Finished + DLC
I can’t even say much besides that this is a fantastic experience and a must-play for any actionhead

Asura's wrath can be described as a very shallow experience when it comes down to it. But despite that this game has so much charm and style to it that it more than makes up for any big issues that come from the style of game it is. Probably like 60-70% of this game are qte cutscenes that will present you with some of the sickest shit you've ever seen in your life. Meanwhile that 30-40% is a mixture of a 3D fighter and a on rails shooter. Don't ask me how it all works cause it just kinda does. The story and characters have all the subtlety of an atom bomb but I think the over the top nature of it all works and it sucks that the true ending of the game is locked behind dlc that can be hard to experience nowadays cause I think those last 4 episodes have easily the best story and character moments in the whole game. This game is in desperate need of a definitive edition so the dlc can be preserved in a better way cause I emulated this game and getting the dlc to work that was a process in a half but seeing how we've seen hide nor hair of this game since it's release i have my doubts. Regardless the game itself was very sick experience that I'm glad i got to experience.

I forgot to write a review but I think the game is fine. Really it should be obvious but people have overblown everything about the game, It's not even pro incest dude. But yeah story is fine and its neat seeing the descent of what the two are willing to go through with.

Some of the worst writing ever. Combat is enjoyable, as usual.

Did the Shovel Knight devs create their own homebrew file format to create with their own music tracker, and later release the tracker as freeware? Didn't think so.

u can just google cave story and play the original for free please dont spend money on cave story

Since this released I've said this is unironically, genuinely, and inarguably the absolute worst game ever created and I still stand by this.

Massive step down from CSD 1 and 2 that takes away everything that makes those games good - actually cooking and challenge from it. Here it's just prepping food and then giving it out once you arrive at a location. The food also is very limited as the developer was dead set on obsessively catering purely to the concept of showing he loves diversity - which is fine to include, but over half the dishes are not remotely recognizable to your average American or western European which is a bit excessive especially in a game set in the United States where almost none of these foods exist out of perhaps a few people's private homes. On top of that there is a lot of personal agenda pushing through the decorations for your truck which is pretty abhorrent as well - but even if you enjoy the choices, this is such a massive downgrade from decorating an entire restaurant. Just little doodads on a window. The "story" was stupid as well and introduced characters and a meaningless post apocalypse scenario that, again, served only to entirely remove the COOKING part of COOK serve delicious and replace it with prep-exclusive food 90% of the time.

Ridiculous, silly fun that also takes some skill and practice to get good at so it's quite rewarding beyond just the squishy noises and flapping dongs.

Love this game, wish they'd make a new one or just port this to PC or modern consoles. This is by far the best Monster Hunter rip-off that I've played but even beyond the gameplay the setting and overall aesthetic are really cool.

Nelke is a celebration of the Atelier franchise that is just packed with (non-sexual) fanservice featuring characters throughout the history of the whole series and other references and homages to things of old. It's very very hard though, reminding me of the days of first trying Atelier Rorona when it was originally localized and losing a million times in a row. This is designed like older Atelier - play until you fail, learn from that failure, play again while planning ahead, repeat until you finish. That loop is fun though and in the case of this game specifically you meet characters and such at different times so there is a bit of a new experience (aside the big issues) each time.

The gameplay this time is a management sim rather than a synthesis based JRPG, but they managed to design a pretty addictive and fun one even though it's so far from what they usually make.

Pretty to look at, fun to play, massive lovable cast - but a bit lacking in story.

It's pretty challenging at first glance but it's designed around you failing and memorizing events-to-come so you can prepare ahead of time. The story is interesting enough to keep you drawn into it during your time playing and the characters are pretty good at tricking the player if they are out to hurt the little queen or could be the answer to survival. This style of game isn't huge and doesn't get many additions to it these days (neither the 'choose your own adventure' style or the raising sim aspect) so it's worth checking out especially if you never have played something like it before.