If UT2003 was the prelude , this was for sure the full course meal.

UT 2004 sits at the same level as UT99 for me, but with a different aesthetic and feel.

The addition of vehicles was cool, and all the new maps and characters really expanded the world and lore in my mind.

Not really as bad as I was lead to believe, but nothing really worth writing home about either. It's a solid 3 star by my book, reminds me of older gen horror games but with current gen graphics.

Wouldn't recommend it at a high price, but get it cheap or included in a subscription and it's worth attempting a playthrough if you come at it with the right expectations.

You know what, I think they finally did it.

They finally broke the code and made THE Aliens game we all wanted ,but it plays in a way we never knew we needed.

This one has the tension, the strategy and the consequences. The trifecta of elements that was missing from every Aliens game.

This is the Alien Isolation of the Aliens branch.

Honestly this might just be one of the best experiences that this medium can offer.
If anybody ever doubts the power and artistry of video games, just give them this game to play.

If you look up the word "Cool" , a picture of this game should be right there.

This game is so cool that I'm getting chills just thinking about it.