A cool way to package a game collection.
Wish there was something like this for most retro consoles.


I was really vibing with this game and was genuinely interested in exploring the world but the stutters have been getting worse and worse and are an aggravating stain on what should otherwise be a meditative experience.

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This would have been the absolute perfect DLC (and final piece of the Norse Saga) but it was missing 2 small (ish) things.

-Young Kratos voiced by TC Carson (also a dialogue between the two actors)
- And an epic final Boss fight between the two with music from all the previous games (kinda MGS 4 like)

Still, for free,what is here is more then enough.

If "the vibes are immaculate" were a videogame.

One of the few and best slow paced Tactical FPS multiplayer games on PS4/5 .

It's got that old school charm, feels like something from back in the early 2000's PC gaming or somewhat similar to stuff like SOCOM on PS2. And I say that as a positive.

Give it a try, there's still a thriving community here so don't worry about finding matches.
Might just become your next favorite Multiplayer title.

It's one of those titles that's a 4 star but I enjoy like a 5 star

Somehow, they found a way to make it worse.


+ Most of the important characters look great and are interesting. Some solid character models/designs and notable voice acting + writing at times.

+ The world (while it often beaks) has a nice atmosphere and is a great backdrop for the game. Imposing, beautiful, deadly, atmospheric it's a pretty solid location all things considered.

+ At times it's really gorgeous to behold and you get really immersed.

+ Soundtrack is really good

+ Great collection of licensed tracks, lots of bangers. (though it might not be everyone's taste)

+ Liked the use of Japanese and Japanese actors

+ Some good heartfelt moments

+ Despite all the issues (and there are plenty) I was still compelled to come back and play more. Lots of things that damaged the experience, but nothing that really outright killed it for me.

+ Some of the guns feel alright to shoot.


- Performance is pretty spotty. This is a game meant for next gen machines.

- A myriad of bugs, glitches and crashes that just constantly chip away at the experience

- Felt a little bit cheated by having my first true view of Night City (Nomad Path) be a montage cutscene fast forwarding a lot of important moments in our character and his friend's journey.

-The lies and false marketing that took place leading up to the game's launch. A lot of hype was created then it suddenly deflated. Didn't live up to the vision it showcased to players.

- Vehicles handle like poo poo

- Enemy AI feels very poor and exploitable

- World can feel very empty at times because of relatively low population density.

- Had massive potential to be as big as something like GTA V, but it really killed it's long term staying power thanks to the terrible launch.

- Wasn't a huge fan of the stealth options

- Hand to hand combat is also very simplistic

I enjoyed this game more then most by the looks of it. Yes it didn't have much in common with the first Unreal but I was along for whatever new ride this was.

The things I remember liking the most were: traveling and seeing new planets and aliens, being on my own little ship interacting with crew mates, getting a small briefing on the mission ahead on a hologram, the atmosphere of it all, the main character being pretty likable.

I guess this was kind of my Mass effect before Mass effect.

Pleasantly surprised by this, one of the better Marvel games out there.

The highlights for me were the characters, visuals, soundtrack and story

The low points are the gameplay and fairly linear mission progression (wished it was a bit more like Mass Effect)

Even if you don't care much about The Guardians of the Galaxy, this is a solid Sci-fi single player adventure. Entertaining from start to finish.

A game with a setting that had a lot of potential, but ended up being a pretty mediocre by the numbers open world.

With a better story, characters, gameplay and maybe lean more into horror (and cut out all the icon bulshit on the map) this could have been a new favorite.

Also, adding a roguelike mode to a game with serviceble gameplay was not the best use of their time.

Still, I must give points for the haunting and aesthetically accurate recreation of tokyo , the creepy designs of the different yokai, and some of the cool visual effects used throughout the game. Sad that everything else wasn't up to par.

I feel like there are four phases to experiencing this game:

1. The exploration phase, where you are going around figuring out the rules of the world and trying to piece together what's going on.

2. The gearing up phase, where you are trying to get as many good weapons and powers to help in the battles ahead

3. The set up phase, where you are lining up all your targets by following the story threads and getting ready for the endgame

4. And of course the final loop, where you essentially knock down all the targets in the order the games wants you too

I enjoyed my time during some of these phases but I still thinks it's a bit silly that there's really only one way to take out all the targets in the same loop. In an Arkane game.

If they would have figured out a way to really boost the replayability with that decision, this would have been an easy GOTY.

A cherished game from my childhood , Serious Sam is basically just you shooting hordes of monsters while walking through beautiful environments from a long lost civilization (Egypt). And it was surprisingly filled with mystique, awe , history and just pure mayham.

It's a simple game done right.

It's more Serious Sam, and that was perfectly fine with me.

Now you get to visit cool new locations and kill new baddies with a few new guns thrown into the mix.

Serious Sam was a bit like fantasy virtual tourism to me, but with mowing down hordes of enemies and large bosses getting in the way.

A great experience if a bit lacklustre. DD2 is filled with amazing memorable moments that usually happen organically, but can also be awkward and frustrsting alike.

The story is just there to push things forward, adventuring is where the real stories happen.

Overall it's a pretty unique entry in the RPG genre, alongside it's predecessor.

Need more experiences like this. Don't underestimare the power of atmosphere and simply just "existing" in a place.

Wish there was a modern remaster and even evolution of this with more interaction (things reacting to you walking into them). Heck throw in a VR version while you are at it.