The Melee of Mario Kart because the whole thing is dominated by one optimal strategy and the best characters are simply the ones that best abuse it but also dry bones is funny go clack clack so y'know what, worth

very much the Tokyo Drift of the franchise

Colonialism apologia for the pintrest š¯“Ŗš¯“®š¯“¼š¯“½š¯“±š¯“®š¯“½š¯“²š¯“¬ generation

I made this, would not recommend playing it

I got Doxxed by a speedrunner of this game and yet even with that mission 6-4 is still the worst crime this game has committed against me.

One of the most metanarratively interesting and nuanced endings to any game ever with the two crippling flaws that one: none of the fanbase understand it's a criticism of them, and two: requires you to have played all the games in this terrible series to understand it.

The only game I would truly describe as "Lovecraftianly bad". Not only does it find new and exciting avenues to being bad every 10 minutes or so: after playing Yiik you are permanently scarred with it, a small section of your brain is tainted with the sickness. As you thiink about it more and more, the void where your sentiience used to be grows. The more you ponder, the less iit makes sense. Until your sense of self is eroded away and you are left shaking, vibrating with motion.

I named my real life cat after one of the characters in it.

Ace Attorney trying to get Senpai Layton to notice him while the tophatt'd king throws off mediocre leftover puzzles not good enough for the main games.