Log Status






Time Played

35h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 22, 2024

First played

February 14, 2024

Platforms Played


This is probably the most consistent Persona game of the modern Persona era. Dungeons aren't as good as in Persona 5, but they are wayy better than what 3 did. The cast is excellent, my favorite cast probably. The story is great, it definitely has more flaws than P3's story but it's overall more intriguing and I think I prefer that. Combat is obviously a bit dated but I don't really mind as the combat has never been something I cared too much about in Persona.

So yeah, my favorite story and cast of the series. If they ever remake this it's probably going to be my favorite without a doubt, and a possible 5/5. For now it still isn't quite as good as Persona 5 Royal, but it's close.