Log Status







Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

June 3, 2022

First played

May 25, 2022

Platforms Played




10h 0m

First Time

June 2022



1h 20m



Quest: Keeper's Library/Forbidden Library
Rating: 8/10

2h 0m

May 2022



Level 3: St. Edgar's Eve
Rating: 8/10
Thoughts: Quite like the particle effects in this game, the overall design of this game's art direction is shown really well here.

0h 40m



Level 3: St. Edgar's Eve
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: I'm quite liking this one, I'm glad :)

2h 30m



Side Quest: Escape from Pavelock Prison
Rating: 6.8/10
Thoughts: Not a level, but I thought it was pretty interesting that this was implemented into the game as a sort of optional side quest that you activate from getting mercilessly slaughtered by the city watch. Reminds me of Oblivion's jail mechanic, but with more emphasis on escaping, cause unlike your oblivion character, Garrett's in jail for the sole purpose of a public execution (and honestly I'd expect nothing less considering his history).

1h 0m



Level 1: Checking Inn, Cashing out
Rating: 7/10
Thoughts: Took a bit to get used to the jank in this game, mainly regarding the controls. But ultimately, I can appreciate this game's unique color palate and always consistent ambience.

Level 2: End of the Bloodline
Rating: 6/10
Thoughts: Yeah, remind me to never play one of these levels on expert again. Like jesus, this level is pretty alright, but the long stretch of time between me finding all of the main stuff and then having to find every single little speck of loot was ridiculous. Loot goals shouldn't be measured be percentages in my opinion because it 1) kind of makes the amount your stealing a bit meaningless when it's just a percentage that can be applied to anything, and 2) sets fairly high expectations for the player that they probably can't meet considering the fact that there's barely any loot to find in this level. I really hope the rest of this game's levels get better than this, and I'll definitely not trying any of them on expert.

2h 30m