Could we like, change the cover for this game? Like seriously the American cover art is so fucking bad for a lot of these retro games.

This is a rating of the demo that is out for this game, not the full release because it is not out yet as of today. I quite like the ideas that are presented in this little hour-long demo for the game. The imagery that attempts to depict how sentient rodents and other small creatures would build a society in our world is fairly entertaining, and cute. But what I find even more interesting is how this game depicts humans and other carnivorous species as these larger-than-life gods, who exceed the small creatures understanding of the world. It portrayed in a sort of Lovecraftian sense, particularly for the hazmat suit human (referred to as the yellow god). I do however wish the game had more to do and look at besides the main storyline, because when I attempted to look around in the one hub world, it was incredibly lacking in anything to do besides one item, and some admittedly interesting and fun books in the library. This is likely due it still being developed, but I do think adding sidequests, or even varying different stores and characters akin to how the Paper Mario series would help greatly in fleshing out this world. Overall, good demo, would recommend.


This rating is based on the demo on steam rn, but holy shit this is great. Excited to see the full product!