Bad controls, easy to learn, hard to master

Awesome game, fun to play with friends

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Where chads were born

Damn, final mission is so freakin hard

Not so dumb as I thought, it's fun at all

Games to play while taking a fat dump

Look, it's fur-ass and feather-head

Sei lá... Não fede e nem cheira. Às vezes fede mais, às vezes cheira menos. Me sinto meio otário por ter esperado um longo tempo só pra baixar essa BUÇA.
Ainda tendo em mente que o jogo não iria agradar tanto, me senti motivado em jogar (pelo puro gosto por Star Wars), mas mesmo assim nhé.

Nice immersion into a stealth horror-like game, reminding some kind of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gameplay. The plot and story are a strong point in this DLC, really entertaining and curious writing here.
I understand why people dislike Dead Money so much, those collars are a real pain in the ass, despite the fact the map is a big morbid and depressing maze.
My experience was only worth for the first gameplay, I would never go back to Sierra Madre. Was a real headache lol

Conteúdo adicional interessante, porém o preço é absurdamente abusivo e sem sentido.