The SBMM makes me want to rip my hair out. The zombies are pretty good, in top 3 black ops zombies for sure.

Funny and charming game that obviously alot of love and care went into making. Finished it rather quickly, loved the content that was there.

Very good, very fun skating game. Haven't played the originals, but still very much like this title.

Good nostalgic game from the let's play days.

Was pretty good when I played it However, I was young then and believe if I went back to play it now I would think it's kinda mid.


This demo was insanely good and scared the shit out of me, would of been the best horror game ever if it was made and followed from the demo. They nailed the atmosphere and a sense of dread perfectly.

RIP, one of the favorites when I was a kid 🙏.

Underated, good campaign, good multiplayer at the time, just extinction was trash.

Watched PewDiePie play this back in the day, tried it myself and wasn't impressed. Every horror game tries to follow the same formula of solving puzzles and a jumpscare every now and again, trash ass formula, the horror genre needs a revamp.


Boring ass, played for achievements.


Emotional game. Not the greatest gameplay but story and art-style carry.