This is legit the only good horror game I have ever played (in the sense that it managed to scare me and build adequate atmosphere). It also has the best visual horror i've ever seen.

Primarily these stars are given from zombies, BO3 wasn't my favourite multiplayer and the campaign kinda stunk.

Tried multiple times to give this game a shot, I feel like it's one of those games you gotta no-life to truly enjoy, hopefully I'll the chance to complete it eventually.

Waited yonks for this game to come out after being delayed, didn't disappoint, art style magnificent and game challenging. 100%'ed but haven't gotten round to the DLC.

Always gonna be goated. 🐐👑


Unpopular opinion, this game is overrated asf. It just seems to me that people dick ride the art style when so many better rouge likes exist. Just play blinding of issac/dead cells/risk of rain instead.

Not into superhero movies, but this game slaps.

Good game, although I think it's the easiest tbh.

Fun for less than a week, then falls off.