Kind of a whatever entry, but it's definitely the best way to experience Marth's debut.
The pre-rendered characters look shit, and the story is nothing special, but it's saved by some satisfying gameplay, was one of my favorites to play.

This did a nice job with letting me remember Hiragana on the side, but on it's own, I don't really think it does a great job at teaching effectively, there's some weird pacing and difficulty spikes
Was a nice supplement tho

There's a lot ofstupid stuff here, don't get me wrong.
But honestly, overall, I thought this was a pretty solid sequel. It isn't as bold and interesting as DOD1, but it was still a decently enjoyable romp, with better gameplay and some good moments

Yeah I absolutely adored this one, I mean I'm kind of a sucker for detective stories so I was pretty sure I'd like it, but MAN were the story and characters so freaking fantastic.
Easily my favorite RGG title I've played yet.

YouTubers that make this game their entire personality think they're just so unique and quirky

Was really neat getting to finally experience such an important title, and honestly it holds up WAY better then I thought it would, this is still a really fun time! Even if there's some annoying cryptic stuff I needed a guide for.

Omori for Red Pilled people (real)

Really solid and fun FE game with some cool ideas. think it would be a lot easier to appreciate this one if it really WAS the final one, but as is, it's still a fun time with good characters and a great final chapter.

This is the best Ace Attorney, don't trust anyone who tells you otherwise.
It has the best character arcs, best cases, best villain, best sprite-art, it's a masterpiece baby!

Much like TSC, this is one of the most unique, and fascinating games ever
it is repetitive at times, but it also manages to question the nature of video games as a whole, with some damn good writing to boot
My brain says 7, but my heart says 9

The best classic FF game.
It is such a clear and pure labor of love, with a fully realized world filled with amazing characters, with the Moguri mod, it is literally a perfect video game, go play it!

Really solid games for a kids licensed 3D platformed, Nothing outstanding, but a fun time with a lot of charm and cartoony bits.

Absolutely fanTASTIC Game, and easily my favorite FE yet!
The plot and themes here are so much more rich compared to the series' other game's I've played, and the gameplay was enjoyable as usual!
Please don't Fuck up the remake.

One of the most unique, bizarre, surreal, trippy, and fascinating things I have ever experienced.
I do have some issues with the way some parts of it are written, but still, there is absolutely no other game like The Silver Case

Yeah no, this one wasn't as good.
Compared to the NES game, it's just weirdly clunky and something about how it plays just doesn't feel right.
Spritework is really pretty at least