155 Reviews liked by Faa

The mechanics and graphics are simply amazing. The story is about average, and the gacha currency-rate-pull ratio is godly good.

Only 15k currency to reach spark, release banners don't have other S-constructs spooking you, and you get 5k of the currency every month. Each new S-rank banner appears every 2.5~ish months and lasts for an entire month, so having a monthly card definitely helps. People who don't play gacha games often won't understand just how good the currency gain relative to banners are.

The game is played as a side game due to stamina/serum being limited, but overall, it's one of the best gacha games I've ever played.

checked out the ign walkthrough to see how far through this chore i was and almost started crying when i saw the video linked for "how to find the infinity gauntlet easter egg" guys i can't do it

this is literally stale white bread in video game form like i don't get it!! what do we all like so much about this?? i see the upgrade menu and the quest log and all the useless extra skills and my eyes glaze over instantly. i literally have not felt less of a drive to keep playing something since i trudged through bioshock infinite. this thing is 20 hours long apparently and even with my relatively generous amount of free time i absolutely cannot imagine getting through all of that

also the combat is barely functional and contextually boring as shit, i've been spoiled by other games that make an effort to characterise their enemies bc seriously - what is there to be engaged by while i'm fighting generic troll #8 or a fucking stone golem. at the worst of times there's absolutely nothing here

i'm gonna go retreat back to my cave. fallout 2 here we come babeyyyyy!!!

this game is a flop in terms of sales and rightly so because i haven’t touched a game with such a bad writing for a long time

see i’m all in for over the top things or even style over substance be it yakuza jojo ttgl persona and even the first twewy

neo twewy on the other hand flushed everything that made the first game special down the toilet

i have never witnessed a story being this horribly written
when the characters said they never heard of a specific clothing brand while wearing said brand i was shaking my head
and when they openly talked about their weaknesses in front of their enemy i was on the verge dropping it
the music is as shallow as the writing too and the style does not give me twewy vibe at all
and u cannot even control the camera

combat was pretty good though so 2/5

this game is so boring zzzzzz

There's such thing as giving a player too much power. Being able to fly and run around the city at lightning speed makes it pointless to interact with a majority of the game elements. Feels like this should've been a DLC rather than a full fledged game.