Cuphead 2017

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 25, 2022

Platforms Played


My opinion is quite mixed as I really liked a lot of what it had to offer yet at the same time I despised the questionable design choices for a good chunk of the bosses and levels. I'll keep the review brief as I don't really have all that much to say about it given how short the game is

What I liked:
Most of the bosses were very well designed with incredibly multifaceted movesets that make the challenge of learning/mastering them not only worthwhile but insanely entertaining at the same time. Though, this is more applicable towards the airplane bosses as they turned out to be far more polished than most of the regular ones. My favorites being; Cala Maria, Dr. Kahl's Robot, Wally Warbles and of course, Phantom Express

What I didn't like:
I straight out despise how RNG heavy a good chunk of the bosses are. It's like they were hell bent on ruining perfectly fine bosses with miserable design choices which lead me to restarting a lot of the bosses even after clearing them just because I got it too easy and the boss didn't even do half of their more deadlier attacks. And that leads to a lot of the victories not being quite earned.
The final stretch of the game was just disappointing to say the least and I don't like the Run & Gun Levels either, they're just not fun.

Despite how polarized I'm about this game I'll still check out the DLC that drops within a month