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1 day

Last played

October 22, 2023

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Alright I'll keep the review brief but one thing's for sure this is hands down one of the better games I've played this year

For me this game is split into two halves, first half being consistently good like every stage introducing new enemies that need to be countered in unique ways with intelligent enemy placement that actually makes you use your brain plus lots of variety in the presentation to keep things fresh. But as soon as you move past the 6th stage which is the halfway point of the game all of that gets thrown out of the window as it becomes more and more apparent that the devs ran out of creative juices, pinning you up against reskinned mobs and reused bosses turned gank from earlier stages and artificially inflating the difficulty by randomly throwing in more tougher enemies that can easily interrupt your combos in hordes. Basically, the game takes a nose dive in overall quality in the latter half compared to the first half

Despite the lackluster second half I still think this game has tons of replay value because of the competently designed plus satisfying combat with a surprising amount of depth and the roster of 8 different playable characters that each have substantially different playstyle which can make every playthrough after the initial one feel like a completely new campaign. I can vouch for the replayability as I've beaten the game 4 times (once on hardest and three times on mania)
And my god the music in this game can be REALLY good at times