Downloaded it because my idol-obsessed buddy wanted to give it a go with friends. I was so quick to uninstall that I don't even remember the home screen.

It's got some fun stuff gonig for it in the open field zones but as usual, the gacha elements enforce a grind which enforce a bad time unless you whale it - and you should never whale in a gacha game.

It's cute, sure, but it's just ads paired with Number-Go-Up. Steer clear.

I actually played this for way longer than I had any business to. There's some satisfying gameplay to it all. The ads are killer, though. Keep away.

A game a grew up with, and one that has left its mark on my subconscious decades later. The semi-random nature of its caves was novel then, and still captivating now. The sense of adventure and discovery throughout this game is unmatched. I'm in love with every creature design, and as a child I spent many hours admiring them through the Piklopedia. I suspect that this may be the culprit for my finding monstrous creatures adorable in other media properties! My favourite is the Man-at-Legs.

Despite growing up with its successor, I didn't actually play through the original Pikmin until my late teen years. I also played it again recently, and I think both times, it held up rather well. I'm not keen to replay it over and over in close proximity as I think the developers intended - the high score element is cool, but not really my interest. However, the shortness of Pikmin does mean that coming back to replay it once in a while is rather easily afforded. It's a classic, and the cave level is my favourite.

The game that introduced my favourite type, Rock Pikmin! I don't want to write a review just yet, as when it came out I only played the campaign, and I feel this game deserves a full playthrough including all of its side modes.

I'm sure any fan of this game will tell you that its story is top-notch. It's something that has stuck with me long after playing it, and I have replayed it a couple of times in the intervening decades. The gameplay is also quite satisfying and I would love to see more "mystery dungeon" types of games in other franchises.

I have less to say about this one than I do its successors. I played it first and I enjoyed it a lot, especially its story, but much of the experience has been lost to time. I do recall finding the partner locations rather cute as a child, though I'm sure if I replayed the game I would find them troublesome instead.

I actually think this is one of the better Pokemon games to have been made thanks to its plot. It's still a children's game plot, of course, but that doesn't betray that they actually included a fair number of interesting twists and the characters felt well-realized. I think it's bold of them to write a villainous parent in a game for children; I would hope it helps open the minds of children who suffer villainous parents in real life.

Story aside, Gen VII's new Pokemon are the most consistently delightful of any generation and the setting is quite inspired.

Though it had its flaws, I remember this generation much more fondly than those before it. I like the region design a lot, and many of Gen VI's Pokemon felt very inspired, but of greater import to me is how this game handled connectivity. The PSS was the best player-connectivity feature any Pokemon game has ever had. As a teenager I met someone very important to me through this game, whom I still know and hang out with to this day, and for that I can't thank it enough. Also, the battle themes in XY are some of the best the series has to offer in my opinion.

An impressive remake, in all honesty, but I didn't finish it at the time so I won't be rating it. I may revisit this title some day. All of its Mega Evolution designs are bangers, by the way.

This was actually my first Pokemon game, and I think it holds up rather well even today. Double battles being treated as the standard is a rather underrated format, and I'd love to see a return to that in a future entry.

I played it for a while but goodness, this is a rather aggravating little game, isn't it?

Fun as a social game, and quite cute, but it wants all of your money and probably isn't worth your time enough to bear through it. You could do worse, but you could also do way, way better.