8 reviews liked by Femi_Samus

Awful map design great characters

Nice graphics, music, and voice acting wasted on a boring plot and terrible map design. It felt like I was playing the same two or three battles over and over and over again.

One of my top 5 favorite games ever.

Velvet is an absolutely incredible protagonist, one of the best ever as far as I am concerned and an amazing embodiment of human emotion with so much depth and development.

The story is dark, emotional, tragic and has many unpredictable plot-twists, I can count the amount of video game stories that left as big an impact on me as this one.

I love almost every single main character, they have so much compelling depth, backstory and development. The game also has one of the best written and relatable antagonists ever.

All the side quests are great and add to character's stories or build the world. The OST by Motoi Sakuraba is breathtaking and the combat system is fun, fast and fluid.

I can't say much bad about this game at all and few J-RPGs will be in the same league as it.

Awful plot gameplay too easy hector hard mode fun

Insert Tidus laugh here

One of my all time favorite games and the best FF game. Amazing world, grand story, well written and fleshed out characters with good development, gorgeous music and fun combat, plus Blitzball. How could you ask for anything more?

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