Log Status






Time Played

1h 25m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 14, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Played from – to: (2023-08-14 – 2023-08-14) – PC keyboard.
‣ 6/10 – I did not kill a dog!
‣ Thoughts: The Trolley Problem is a problematic game. Here you can go for a regular medical check-up and get knocked out by your nurse and have every vital organ harvested overnight. Then you can get promoted to president while developing vehicular AI that prioritizes killing the drivers more than anything else. Lastly you can end up nuking towns while being hooked up to a dying man for 9 months. With that said this game is bizarre and introduces many unwinnable decisions and always guilt trips you with the most annoying one liners possible. This isn’t really a game you can review or rank. Some will simply enjoy the bizarre choices and others won’t. Fun to do in a group though.