Easily my favorite main-line game in the whole series. It balances out everything in such a satisfying way.

Best played immediately after Yakuza 0. The combat's a slight upgrade IMO but the story and music are just kinda.. fine.

Overly aggressive spawn rates and generally rough JRPG mechanics. There are a couple plot points that really rub me the wrong way too. But other than that, it's generally a pretty enjoyable game imo

Hot take: I like the combat in this game. Later Dragon Engine games really refined it, but I kinda like the weightiness of it. The side content is also generally a lot of fun. The story kinda sucks, though

Really rough. The combat feels clunky, the story gets a bit strange by the end, and the side content is generally pretty boring. It's got its fun moments, though.

Short and sweet. The combat's kinda rough but I really like the story. It's also shockingly pretty.

Massive step up from Yakuza 3. The story is HORRIBLE, but the combat feels way more fluid. Also the soundtrack for this game in particular is so ridiculously good.

Way too bloated for its own good imo. It's got some really high highs and some really low lows on just about all fronts.

There's a decent game hiding in here. If you can push through the pretty abysmal framerate and the super clunky controls, there's a lot of fun to be had. It's a really campy horror game with some real banger songs. Remake this game with a proper framerate and keyboard controls and it'll be a lot better.

Short and sweet. Solid story overall with satisfying combat and some fun side content. It's one of the harder games in the series, but I didn't mind that personally.

I really wanted to like this game, but it's got a handful of critical issues for me.

Let's start off with the things I liked about this game:
The story and setting were pretty cool! I think both Tosa and all the different parts of Kyo look nice! The way they use iconic characters is fun, if a bit on the nose to how they are in the actual games. It feels almost like a play that everybody put together, which I find pretty enjoyable.

The music is also pretty nice! Well, at least the songs that are unique to this game are pretty nice. There are a handful of songs that come from other games without any remixes or anything to help them feel at home with the rest of the OST. Not the end of the world, but it does kinda take me out of it a bit.

This takes me onto the big things I didn't like about this game:
The combat is... pretty weirdly balanced. Brawler is so weak and stiff that it's borderline useless. The only reasons you'd use it are for the busted parry you can unlock or the handful of times where you're basically forced to use it. Gunman is just kind of boring. Outside of the handful of times where they force you to use it, i only really used gunman for ONE really annoying ultimate challenge. Swordsman feels pretty smooth but it's pretty slow. It's pretty difficult to use especially in boss fights, but it can be satisfying. And that just leaves Wild Dancer... which is the most BROKEN fighting style in the whole game. You get insane agility with basically infinite dashes and some really easy slash combos. Not to mention you get to use a gun at long range, which just kinda makes Gunman borderline obsolete.

Not only that, but I also had this strange issue where the game would mysteriously start dropping inputs for me. No amount of research or messing around on my end caused this issue to go away for me. I also never really found anybody else with the same issue, so it could just be the game not liking the hardware I had at the time.

It's also worth noting this game is SUPER grind-heavy. It is easily the one of grindiest RGG game I've played, which is absurd when you consider there are two main-line JRPG games. The sheer amount of money you're expected to get in order to get some decent gear could easily take you an eternity. What makes it worse is that a lot of the upgrades you do get feel like they make very minimal difference in the grand scheme of things. I always felt weak no matter what I did. Heck, the only reason I got super high level gear was cause of a bug with the chicken racing minigame that basically let you get money for free.

Finally, there was the forced inclusion of trooper cards in the main combat. To my understanding, the original Japanese-exclusive version of this game had trooper cards as a mechanic exclusive to the dungeons. BUUUUUT this remake just kinda shoved it into the main combat. One minute you'd be in a tense sword fight. The next you (or the boss) would randomly start shooting out massive lightning bolts as if you both were wizards. It really ruins the vibe they were going for. Sure you could just... not use the cards. BUT this game is also on the harder side for an RGG game. You get very little health and bosses can do a lot of damage. The solution: get some trooper cards that give you a lot of HP. So you're heavily encouraged to at least have those cards equipped.

Again, I really wanted to like this game. I was hyped when I saw they were remaking Ishin. It was a game I always wanted to play but couldn't cause of the lack of a proper localization. The combat looked super fluid and the locations looked super interesting. Maybe I'll replay this game some day and feel a bit more fond of it. But right now, I just can't help but feel left down.

A lot of the same issues as Yakuza 5 imo. To save people a bit of time: I find this game to be similarly bloated with a story that just gets really messy and unsatisfying by the end. The side content is very similarly inconsistent in quality as a result of the massive scope of the game.

Not only that, but it also has the most uninteresting soundtrack and a couple bits of fan service that just feel so.. strange. But what makes this doubly frustrating is that the combat is leagues better than LaD 7. Again, really high highs with some really low lows.

Awesome story with some really fun combat. The side content is also so much fun. Solid game all around

Really amazing combat with a really frustrating story. I hate how they basically undid all of Yagami's personal growth in this game. It's also a bit larger than I'd like, but I found most of the side content to be enjoyable at least.

I love this game to death. The beginning is kind of a slog, but the game really picks up after the first boss. Super fun all around