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Weatherby commented on Weatherby's review of Shining in the Darkness
@Username8 What were you thinking of? I know Shining Force spun off from this but I only played CD, which I did not like and half of it didn't emulate properly so I never finished it, but I've also been told that's the worst one. I mostly played this to get it out of the way before Shining the Holy Ark.

@_YALP Yeah. A lot of reviews complain about how grindy it is, and they're not wrong, but I'm just a sucker for exploring creepy dark tombs and running into a bunch of weirdos.

10 mins ago

Weatherby commented on stealthblade's review of Sonic Advance 2
My favorite boss is the one with the giant hand that has this inscrutable hurtbox where sometimes it will just instant kill you, and sometimes it won't despite smacking into it from the same exact angle.

35 mins ago

1 hr ago

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