4 reviews liked by Flammablebacon

Arzette is short, but it's so enjoyable and charming. It had me laughing so much. The voice acting and cutscene animation is spot on for what they are parodying. Also it plays so much better than any of the cdi games it's taken inspiration from. I never once felt frustrated playing it.

Also some of the characters are legitimately designed so well. And even the boss fights can be hilarious at how you beat them.

Very very good and unique little game.

The Zelda CD-I games, but good is such a crazy premise to make a good game out of. The fact it works this well is even crazier.

So many incredible moments. The most impressive bit was how they told an unfamiliar kind of story to the Star Wars universe, full of surprises — and held together by a band of emotionally intelligent friends. Such a smart game.

pessoal falando que ele é curto enquanto eu achando longo 💀
não tem muito o que dizer, simulador de organizar itens em uma casa
pra quem é perfeccionista isso aqui é o paraíso
chorei com a música dos créditos '-'