this feels like a fantastic evolution of the Post Void formula. while not as frenetic as post void the aesthetics are immaculate. I think if you watch 10 seconds of gameplay you'll know if it's for you (I'd recommend playing on a higher difficulty)

as someone who does not really enjoy metroidvania's the setting and characters are the biggest reasons I finished it. the combat was just ok ( but I will admit the platforming was funny at some points. here's hoping we get more games in a afrofuturism style

this is definitely the best feeling car game I've played in many years. I personally love the level design since it really focuses on that aspect. not much to say other than if you like crazy taxi and the tone of pizza tower than this game is for you.

in a varied and competitive genre Felvidek is such a unique RPG story and setting wise. for someone who is not that good at these types of games I would really recommend it. this is one where if you see the art style you could tell if it's for you.

as a Kickstarter backer for this game this is basically what I wanted. I usually don't play these type of cozy games but the short run time and incredible art style won me over in the end. truly a great palate cleanser (love all the loddle's in the game)

as a long time fan of fps games this is truly one of the weirdest one available. very few games have you guess what will happen next like this one. and that works great for the comedy throughout the game. while the shooting is great and I love the aesthetics of the world I think the game could have been a little bit shorter, it was feeling a little long by the end and the story is nothing special. it's a recommend from me.

A great and fun short and sweet platformer. it was really cool to see how unique each level is. also I should mention the music is fantastic.

if you like disco elysium then I think you could get some enjoyment from this game. I liked the story and characters, once you start I will say I was confused of how these characters stories would intertwine but after a couple of chapters it started to make more sense. it's a fine game if you into this type of RPG.

in terms of the remaster itself it's excellent. it's definitely the best way to experience this awesome classic doom clone. in terms of the game the only real issue I had was the lack of enemies thought-out the game. but the atmosphere and music are pure classic star wars. if you'd like a great iteration to the classic doom formula that's not to long then I'd recommend this one. (but watch out for all the landmines, they'll get you)

this review is the first tomb raider:
while this game shows it's age like crazy it does have a sort of "getting over it" charm to it. throughout the 10 hour play time I could notice that you the player get better at the platforming and kind of becomes fun by the end. the combat is always awkward mainly because the camera is terrible.

while the environments and sound scape is really good. the gameplay felt awful the more I played it. after 2 hours I just felt like I was done.

as someone who does not really enjoy metroidvanias I actually really enjoyed this gameplay wise. it's definitely a great palate cleanser since there's no other game that is like this and it's short at about 4 hours. the cutscenes alone are worth the purchase.

having played though the main campaign and some of the side activates this game oozes imagination and inventiveness. it was a shame that I couldn't not see how the online worked since it looks really interesting.

having not played this when it first came out, playing it today is a wonderful time. full of the care and detail you saw in the Witcher 3. plus it has some of the best and most interesting companions in any AAA game. a truly great game and can't wait to see what CDPR has next.(it probably won't be for a long while)

one of the best AA games FPS games you could play. as Fps game get faster this one shows the beauty of slowing down. also fantastic at handling the source material.