First Rockstar game completed. You'd think with how notorious the developer is, this would have happened sooner.
Nevertheless, this was a fantastic game and I enjoyed the story and gameplay through and through.
But god all these folks are assholes. lol

Don't get me wrong, this game kinda blows. It's level design is the exact opposite you'd want for a classic Sonic game, the time-travel mechanics are stapled on-top at best, and the special stages, oh the special stages. (And the versions before the '11 Taxman remaster were the essence of jank)

But this was the game as a kid I spent hours mastering to a T. I learned all of the level layouts, where all the item monitors, sign posts, and robot generators were, and the fastest route through all of the above. I still may not be that great at the special stages (even though I 1-cycled Special Stage 2 once), so I get the good ending the hard way.
The soundtracks to both versions are a delight to listen to over and over. Believe in Yourself was my anthem for a while. Sonic Boom still makes me cry a little.

This stupid blue rat means so much to me, and it's my dedication to this game that solidified it.

This is my favorite Nintendo game.
Sony, I will never forgive you for what you've done to Japan Studio.

Perfection. I remember having a hard time getting past the first few levels way back when this was a WiiWare demo. Platinuming this game now is just a testament on how far I've come, not just as a gamer, but as a person too.
Just keep on trying, and you'll reach the top eventually.
Thank you, CommanderVideo.

Edited review.
Battle Royale, Rocket Racing, and Festival are incredibly fun, and I enjoy my time playing them. On their gameplay merits alone, they are great games. I enjoy playing them. I unfortunately buy vbucks from time to time to get skins and emotes.
Still half a star because this game is still late stage capitalism.
We still live in hell.

Oof. It's a cute distraction, but I have no clue how a music works and it's honestly quite a miss for a Season slot.

Immaculate vibes. I can't believe how "whole nine yards" this whole package is. The launch animation, all the tile types, backgrounds, and music, the zoom option for my bad eyes, all the boards, and much much more.
10/10, no notes.

It's a weird one; but that's the point of the Playdate. Something that can really only be controlled with the crank, though you need to be frustratingly precise with your twisting.
Also, ow.

A little too short to be sweet. I enjoy the concept and what they were going for, but it seems to be over before it begins. Most likely a skill issue on my end though.

Edit: It was a skill issue. Got good, the game is super fun.

A short, sweet, lovely little game; exactly perfect for the Playdate! I enjoyed the writing and the puzzles, yet there were a few birds I couldn't figure out where to find. It's so short that it's perfect for replayability and finding the stuff you missed last time!

Patently Stupid carries this whole pack

Should have been a pack-in ala Nintendo Land, but then again it isn't that great anyways.