Deathloop 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 15, 2021

Platforms Played


I just finished this game so it's not really a review and moreso just my thoughts coming off of it. This is probably gonna read pretty disjointed as my thoughts are just bouncing around.

Beat it in about 13 hours although I did start to rush a bit for the last few hours. I wouldn't say it's worth the 60 bucks but if you can get it on discount for sub-$40 later down the line(which you definitely can cause Arkane games always go on sale) then give it a go. Also Arkane game so expect some of that eurojank.

Generally alright:
Gunplay was serviceable but not really anything great, at least they made the pump shotty and what was essentially an elephant gun satisfying to use.
I enjoyed seeing that the trinkets actually ended up being pretty straightforward with most of them actually being useful upgrades, there were maybe only 6-7 trinkets(counting both player and weapon trinkets) that I had never considered using. The weapon modifiers were also good too, I actually ended up almost never using the special guns cause I found guns with modifiers that were actually useful(suppressed smg, pump shotty shoots twice before needing a pump)
I didnt actually utilize half the abilities given and just teleported around but it was nice to see that you could freely use those abilities without worry of having to play more conservatively for the sake of maintaining power considering the energy for them regenerates without need of consumables.
This is one of those games that gives you a real nice sense of growing power that isn't an rpg.

Things Im iffy on:
The fact that this is an immersive sim works well with the timeloop stuff but its pretty obvious that the game ends up really only giving you one true solution by the end of game. It keeps it cohesive but ultimately repetitive and I can't see this game having much replayability besides playing the ending quest again to see the other endings.
The visionaries also end up being just a bit more than the average grunt with how it might take an extra point blank shotgun blast to off them and sometimes they have a special ability.
The dialogue can come off as pretty reddit depending on who you're talking to but I didn't really mind it and just chalked it up to the largely facetious tone the game has.

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with this game like I've been with some other game releases I've played the past few years but I do wish there was just a bit more. I was loving it, until I got to the ending. It felt a little rushed and while I enjoyed the cheeky tone the ending I got had, I just feel that my time with the game was a tad too short. I beat the game practically the same day I got it, I can really only say that for resident evil games and those are actually meant to be replayed. Also if I didn't have work today I would've beat it on the 14th, I was really only like 20 minutes off from being able to say I beat it the exact same day.

I will say that the game's length helps with the rather repetitive nature of the game as it doesn't really feel like you're wasting too much time considering the game is less than 20 hours long.

Anyway, flawed but definitely enjoyable

Didn't really get the performance issues that other people got although I didnt touch raytracing cause fuck that dumb meme. Only real performance thing I have to note is that the game occasionally has that Far Cry 5 effect where you'll have 70-90 fps but it still kinda feels like 60ish. If you played FC5 on pc with decent enough specs you might know what Im talking about.

Afterword: If you actually are reading this at the time of writing I just realized I forgot to talk about the mp but Imma go out for a cig before I start writing that.

Anyway, the invasion shit was just ok. Seemed like an afterthought/last-minute gimmick they added so they could give the game a bit more of an identity as its own thing but I ended up playing single-player/friends only so I dont have to deal with that bullshit. The invasion thing just boils down to who can magdump or juke each other out better and by juke I mean be a Goddamned nuisance to the other player by blinking, strafe dodging, or double jumping all other the place. P2P connection so have fun rubberbanding cause you connected to some sorry bastard who probably took more than 7-8 hours installing a 30 gig game cause they live in Columbia, Missouri or anywhere else where you can't actually get good wifi.

The invasion mechanic is honestly more fun functioning as some ghetto ass coop where you connect to your buddy for a single segment of their loop and help them take out a target or potentially 2/3 and then let them kill you so they can get the extra 10k residuum and whatever gun/slab you were using.